Best pvper

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I don't think there's one person that's the "best" I also don't think pvp matters on a block game this is just my opinion don't hate me pls :(
I used to be really good but now I'm **** af
Same. Lmao :p
Just want to tell you guys this. If two players want to see who is better they cannot judge just on their stats. They cannot just play a few games and whoever wins more is"better". Good players have their bad days and lose to people who are not better than them. It takes a good 20 games played over multiple days to judge who is better as good players are not always playing to their fullest potential. There is also the connection factor. Sometimes one player might be lagging or sometimes they might have insanely low ping. My point is that the only way to see who the best pvper is by having a tornument where every player plays against every player multiple times. The problem with this is the connection factor and that anyone can beat anyone on any given day because of the small decisions they make while fighting. Do not judge how good someone is based off of just their stats and one fight you had with them.
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