BearAClaw Application Thread!

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*This is not a troll application*
Your IGN Name: Sabotage_
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum): I will be active. Yes.
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): I am very bad at PvP (Test me)
How will you benefit to the Gang?: I am a Baer. I have candy,
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): Private (pls pm meh)
Do you have common sense?: Not really, but I am really funny :D
lol I love how people hate the core members of this gang but still try to apply. I laugh my *** off every time I see those applications.
I got em from ur mom :(
and she got it from your dad who got it from your grandma.
*This is not a troll application*
Your IGN Name: Sabotage_
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum): I will be active. Yes.
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): I am very bad at PvP (Test me)
How will you benefit to the Gang?: I am a Baer. I have candy,
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): Private (pls pm meh)
Do you have common sense?: Not really, but I am really funny :D
Lol, do you really think you're funny? Cause damn... so annoying, coming from a staff member..
Your IGN Name: 41690
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum: skip
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): skip
How will you benefit to the Gang?: skip
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): a lot of you have it
Do you have common sense?: Of course I do!
Your IGN Name:SpyroDarkness
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum:1 hour mbe
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you):Mep
How will you benefit to the Gang?:We have cookies :p
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have):SpyroDarkness (Duh)
Do you have common sense?:Nope none at all i help C ppl for no reason but it IS just a game :/

Sticky :/

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Your IGN Name:SpyroDarkness
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum:1 hour mbe
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you):Mep
How will you benefit to the Gang?:We have cookies :p
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have):SpyroDarkness (Duh)
Do you have common sense?:Nope none at all i help C ppl for no reason but it IS just a game :/

Sticky :/

Denied. We won't accept players who are banned.
Your IGN Name: snoopysims
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum: Well I'm active everyday for 5mins so yea
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): no but I like bears
How will you benefit to the Gang? uhhhhhhh um uh I will helps with friendship
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): Dasnoopdog789
Do you have common sense?: What? Never heard of it. :P
Your IGN Name: snoopysims
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum: Well I'm active everyday for 5mins so yea
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): no but I like bears
How will you benefit to the Gang? uhhhhhhh um uh I will helps with friendship
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): Dasnoopdog789
Do you have common sense?: What? Never heard of it. :p
You really aren't funny, just makes me think that some staff members have like a ******* worm inside their brains
Your IGN Name:Poop
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum:1 second
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you):Yes i have cookies
How will you benefit to the Gang?:i will give you a hug, dont test me!
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have):suck_it123456789ten
Do you have common sense?:meow
Your IGN Name: I don't work for IGN but my name is Falloutknight4
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum: I CAN be but I don't really have fun on prison.
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): yeah, but it doesn't matter on prison where you get 3 shotted in p3
How will you benefit to the Gang?: By being in it
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): Falloutknight444
Do you have common sense?: I think that's what I should be asking YOU.

Accept this pls too lazy to make a serious 1
Well don't, because you arent. Youre just acting like a plainely stupid idiotic annoying little shithead.. like no offence
I love how you attack me and not the other troll apps lol... and saying "shithead and idiotic literally do nothing words don't change anyone lmao.
I love how you attack me and not the other troll apps lol... and saying "shithead and idiotic literally do nothing words don't change anyone lmao.
Even if i didnt attack the rest, what the **** is your problem. Youre such an idiot and an idiotic person
Your IGN Name: Oxity_
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum: i have been in this gang before
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): i have been in this gang before
How will you benefit to the Gang?: i have been in this gang before
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): i have been in this gang before
Do you have common sense?: i have been in this gang before
Your IGN Name: Oxity_
State if you will be active or not: (1-3 hours would be the minimum: i have been in this gang before
Are you good in PvP? (Do not lie about it, we WILL test you): i have been in this gang before
How will you benefit to the Gang?: i have been in this gang before
What is your Skype (Not compulsory, it is just so that I can contact you and add you to the group chat that we have): i have been in this gang before
Do you have common sense?: i have been in this gang before
O ye, you're the ***** that was kicked for being an idiot with no brain? I remember.
I am sorry to announce this for @[GS]Vipirin but I am closing this thread due to the post farm from a few members of the community. I am personally sorry for this. I don't think I can trust these individuals to stop posting here.
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