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Is this a problem?

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You guys can take your part! Just quit all of humanity... That's right! Quit Minecraft and just stop using electricity that will help!

The planet is in a state of decline. Is it not the second law of thermodynamics, entropy, that states: "everything goes from a state of order to disorder". That includes the earth. Nothing we can do will ever save the earth. I'm not saying we shouldn't take care of it, but going to extremes that some people (no, I didn't say names so...) do is outrageous and solves nothing.

True. Climate change is faulty and doesn't make sense. Remember when it was called "global warming", then they realized the earth was cooling and they changed it to "climate change" lmao. Anyways, the earth naturally cools and warms. About every 11 years it warms extensively and cools. People like to blow this up and make it like its some massive problem, when its not.

The problems like "the earth is being destroyed" and other things is blown out of the water. The earth is not getting much better in environmental terms, nonetheless the rate at which it is inevitably declining is not as bad as is thought. There are bigger problems out there... Just look beyond the earth and to what some of the people on it are doing...

Search up Agenda 21 people.
You, sir, are the smartest person I have ever seen on "teh innerwebs". You have gained my respect.
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A nuclear war will eventually happen then Earth will no longer be survivable so the remaining humans will be sent up to space in different stations then we'll all form together to make one big station, called the ark. We'll eventually find out that we're running out of air on the Ark after 97 years and send 100 young adults down to Earth to see if it's inhabitable. Soon they'll find out that they can't make contact with these 100 after sending them to Earth as their radio breaks during the landing. Then everyone on the Ark is screwed because there's only 3 months of air left. Totally not the story line of an amazing series called The 100. Cough Watch it Cough
Thought that sounded familiar lol
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