Appreciation Post

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Aug 29, 2016
The Netherlands
Hello people of Foxcraft,

I will tell a couple things about myself incase anyone doesn't know who i am.

My name is Ewoud and i live in The Netherlands. I'm 19 yo and i currently study IT. I have played Foxcraft for around 5/6 years. Resigned as Admin after being staff for about a year. Currently global Foxking and i mostly played Survival and Skyblock.

Enough about me,

I made this post to show my appreciation for all the amazing friends i have made on this server. I want to thank every one of them so much for all the happiness and joy they have brought me over the years.

@Hqtdog hands down the #1 mentor and #1 hotdog on the world ily
@LordFieryFTW one of my best friends ive had on this server ily bro
@EternalDarkness even if we curse tf out of eachother deep down i love you dude
@Tqzz was always fun hanging out with you grazz
@bilalhgn even though youre weird asf i like you
@Toqsted GAGA youre such a friend and ive had so many great memories of us
@Shafiq twin <3
@Justinc2522 i want to thank you for giving me the opportunity be apart of the staff team
@Cucky imagine getting banned mid fight LOLLL
@Klow>Cloakfox @Klow_ sorry i was so hard on you when you were Helper youre an amazing friend
@Cyrex1 even tho you kind off a bot ily man
@Smudger survival will never be the same without you #Empire4Life

Honorable mentions,

@Vlastyz, @lnstagram, @MrPumpkin1, @iBrady, @lmaoitsmadi, @Fliqqers, @oMaxy, @snoopysims, @Lanuginoso.

Even though i didn't talk as much with you guys as i did with the people above ily all and you deserve to be in this list.

If you feel like you should be in one of these lists i might've forgotten or i didn't know your @.

I wouldn't have met any of you guys if it weren't for @cloakfox so i want to give him a special thanks for making Fox the way it is.

Everyone included in this post has made my expierence on Fox absolutely amazing and i hope i can stay friends with ya'll for many upcoming years.
I’m sorry but you are? I recently got the life beaten out of me by some short black guy named Tyrone and I might have short memory loss now but I forgot
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