Hey everyone. This isn't going to be a long thread, not much to say haha. But the incredibly accurate title (also a song name, great song listen to it if you haven't already) says everything. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone at all. I was demoted, reason being inactivity, I saw it coming, I'm sure the whole staff team saw it coming, hell everyone that knows me should have seen this coming haha. I lost interest for being a staff a while ago to be honest, I lost interest in MC in a whole I guess. Now before people start getting mad and pissed off "oh why did you apply in the first place if you were going to be inactive" (insert dude in his moms basement eating Cheetos there) Well I didn't really plan to go inactive, I just lost interest along the way. With that said I want to thank...
@Ronster_ For being a great friend on the staff team, looking out for me and helping me with a lot of stuff I was never sure about lol. You're a great staff bud, keep it up
@Justinc2522 always a great guy justin, again a great friend on the staff team, one of the best staff members there are, no doubt you could be on your way to owner
thanks for everything man!
@Eld Raoul my old friend, I was so hyped to hear you were returning to the staff team, you're an amazing staff, one of the best people I know. Don't let me down man, I don't want to see you gone anytime soon
@Avy_ Ah, my mentor, couldn't have asked for a better one, you're a great friend avy, one of the best staff members of all time. You helped me with so much man, sorry I wasn't any competition to you up there in admin
@Yoahi My vouch, sorry I let you down man, but **** happens I guess haha. But for real, Owen you were an awesome friend, if it weren't for you I probably wouldn't have become staff again. Thanks for everything bud
@11kobeer even though you aren't on the staff team anymore, Thank you. Thank you for everything, you had the opportunity to demote me, and you gave me another chance, sorry I let you down aswell man. But thank you for being there for me, and believing in me.
@cloakfox thanks for the opportunity Leon, even though we didn't talk much, I still like you lmao.
@iBrady you're doing great man, you're really improving the server, I hope when I return to mc (if I do) you turn this place into the better hypixel lmao.
I know I forgot a lot of people, but just remember I love all of you (kinda ish not really but yeah <3) and I only have 1 more thing to say...ATLEAST IT WASN'T ABUSE THIS TIME BOIS LOL cya all another time
(btw sorry for any spelling errors, legit just wrote this without thinking or re-reading)
@Ronster_ For being a great friend on the staff team, looking out for me and helping me with a lot of stuff I was never sure about lol. You're a great staff bud, keep it up

@Justinc2522 always a great guy justin, again a great friend on the staff team, one of the best staff members there are, no doubt you could be on your way to owner

@Eld Raoul my old friend, I was so hyped to hear you were returning to the staff team, you're an amazing staff, one of the best people I know. Don't let me down man, I don't want to see you gone anytime soon

@Avy_ Ah, my mentor, couldn't have asked for a better one, you're a great friend avy, one of the best staff members of all time. You helped me with so much man, sorry I wasn't any competition to you up there in admin

@Yoahi My vouch, sorry I let you down man, but **** happens I guess haha. But for real, Owen you were an awesome friend, if it weren't for you I probably wouldn't have become staff again. Thanks for everything bud

@11kobeer even though you aren't on the staff team anymore, Thank you. Thank you for everything, you had the opportunity to demote me, and you gave me another chance, sorry I let you down aswell man. But thank you for being there for me, and believing in me.
@cloakfox thanks for the opportunity Leon, even though we didn't talk much, I still like you lmao.
@iBrady you're doing great man, you're really improving the server, I hope when I return to mc (if I do) you turn this place into the better hypixel lmao.
I know I forgot a lot of people, but just remember I love all of you (kinda ish not really but yeah <3) and I only have 1 more thing to say...ATLEAST IT WASN'T ABUSE THIS TIME BOIS LOL cya all another time