Another Kit-PvP Giveaway! :D

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New Member
May 1, 2016
Here I go again with a another giveaway, except I haven't hosted one in months. Hi everyone, im _xXKimJongUnXx_ back here again with the white vans. As many of you know, i'm a considered a daily player in Foxcraft's very own kitpvp, meaning I have plenty of items to give away, which why i'm here today. Only one person will be walking out with the following:

Diamond Helm:

Protection IV
Unbreaking III

Aqua Affinity I
Respiration III
Iron Chest:

Protection IV
Unbreaking III
Thorns II

Iron Leggings:

Protection IV
Unbreaking III
Diamond Boots:

Protection IV
Unbreaking III
Depth Strider III
Diamond Sword:

Sharpness V
Fire Aspect II
Looting III
Unbreaking III

Overpowered Bow:

Power V
Unbreaking III
Flame II
Infinity I
Punch II

20 Potions:

10 Speed 1:30

5 Instant Health II
5 Regeneration 0:45

Also some Melons! :D

All you have to do to is comment below this thread to indicate that you are participating, and show up at 1/6/17 on 6:00pm Eastern Standard Time, from there we will be hosting events in which you will have to win in order to rise and become victorious! (Comment down below whether PvP should be involved or not, some may hold advantages)
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Reactions: Fallout
Me Me I want The Stuff Pls Kim <3 LEMME Put On My Butt Is Looking Good In That Armour
Pls Kim Love You
From...! xItzRuben:rolleyes::rolleyes:
IGN - Vlastyz

Barely anyone plays KitPvP anymore, but whatever xD
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