Hey everyone, I am still a newish player to this server. I joined in June of 2017, and ever since then I've been wasting my free time on Survival
My in game name is Toasterwave, but you can call me Gage
One of my first friends on here was @Derms (Thank you for the iron xD) and I've made some of my best friends on here @xLightwave @Elucidatorz and I've made a lot of other good friends here
I hope to meet some new people, come join Survival it's actually fun, having more players we be great because more pvp and more stuffs to do.
Random Facts about me
I'm 15 years old (my forums profile says 14 because I changed it to the wrong year, it was like 1 am)
I like most kind of music but my favorite is Rock, preferably from 70s-80s-90s, My favorite band is Pink Floyd and my favorite song by them is Time.
I like to stay up late, and play video games until 3 am.
My favorite school subject is Biology, and my favorite Pokemon is garchomp
Some of my favorite games are Minecraft, Skate 3(250 hours
), Dying Light, Fallout, and there's a lot more I can't think of.
This was a pointless thread, but thanks for reading if you did

Random Facts about me
I'm 15 years old (my forums profile says 14 because I changed it to the wrong year, it was like 1 am)
I like most kind of music but my favorite is Rock, preferably from 70s-80s-90s, My favorite band is Pink Floyd and my favorite song by them is Time.
I like to stay up late, and play video games until 3 am.
My favorite school subject is Biology, and my favorite Pokemon is garchomp

Some of my favorite games are Minecraft, Skate 3(250 hours

This was a pointless thread, but thanks for reading if you did