AdShop / Ad watching updates + Factions Cove resetting!?

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Mar 7, 2016

Hello everyone!

AdShop and Ad watching
We have made several improvements to our /adshop system.
You can now send adpoints to other players or alts with the /adpay command!

The amount of ads you can watch per account is set at 500-ish this can differ from time to time. But it's per account. So if you are able to setup multiple alts you can grind way more adpoints, and send them to your main account using the /adpay command.

The coupon rewards have still been disabled we are working behind the scenes on automating this.

Factions Cove resetting?
I have been planning for a while but I am letting everyone know now that I am resetting factions cove, I do not have a set date for this reset but expect one to be released this month in the announcements!

Some features planned for the new Factions cove
  • New spawn (by our build team)
  • New factions hub (by our build team)
  • Custom terrain generation (Screenshots below)
  • MobSpawner stacking (Like on skyblock)
  • Bug fixes
  • Dupe free
  • and much more


Thanks for reading,

- Cloakfox
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If possible, u should see if players can keep their faction name and group after resets so they then don't have to redo all of it. Btw I consider myself a good builder if u need any help. Keep up the good work!!
I say that this is a stupid idea.
Cloak, u want that people watch ads, but 90% just CANT watch ads.
So why did u made this.
You could make other things like to add /credits pay or /withdraw tokens.
Add's are useless for 90%.
I say that this is a stupid idea.
Cloak, u want that people watch ads, but 90% just CANT watch ads.
So why did u made this.
You could make other things like to add /credits pay or /withdraw tokens.
Add's are useless for 90%.
Ads are 90% US based. Please read our faq we made about the system.
I don't really think watching ads should have a player limit, more like a day limit. So you can only get 500 a day while watching ads or something rather than total account. This is just due to people not having enough money for an alt and such, other than that i think the adshop is a really good addition =D
I don't really think watching ads should have a player limit, more like a day limit. So you can only get 500 a day while watching ads or something rather than total account. This is just due to people not having enough money for an alt and such, other than that i think the adshop is a really good addition =D
We do not decide what the limit is set at.
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