A wholesome game was played on survival today

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Giving out free beacons in large quantities would draw unneeded suspicion and attention, which obviously you would avoid if you're engaging in an illegal activity like duplicating. We kept 99% of the duplicated items within our own chests before it was destroyed. So no, you don't just need to take my word, it's just logical not to give them out in that circumstance.
Even if we did give out beacons, it would have to be in a very large amount to have an impact on server-wide beacon circulations.

It's not wrong to be nice, but when players are wealthy enough to give out beacons and rank vouchers casually and regularly, is definitely sort of an issue. On a gamemode called 'Survival'.
we still didn't run you off the forums, furry?
you're just like bluepatch. you're sensitive, soft, probably fat irl
what do you expect from people on the internet "PLS STOP BULLYING HIM!!!! HES NOT A FURRY DONT BULLY HIM FOR WHO HE IS!!!!"
Nah you ain't getting rid of me that easily bucko, plus you don't know me at all so you can't make these dumb claims
oh I ain't mad at all I've been calm and composed (while laughing a little) reading these sad replies from you and some other people
"O-oh h-haha, I ain't m-mad AT ALL! I've been COMPOSED, (whilst LAUGHING (hee hee hee) a little) reading these s-SAD replies from you and other people!"
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