I have recently been removed from the staff team, only less than a few hours ago... I thought I'd make a thank you thread to everybody that has been involved in getting me this far. I'm only a fourteen year old kid and, after being demoted twice, I thought; it couldn't happen again (it did unfortunately) and, I couldn't get as far to be Administrator however with these people, I managed.
(I will not tag staff as this is against the rules, unless it's urgent)
Cloakfox, the server bird, thank you for promoting me no matter what, the community said, thank you for keeping me longer than I should be, you are a big reason to why I am still here, without you and your brilliant leadership of recent times, I couldn't get this far. Thank you.
connor12568 (who I know will never see this), thank you for promoting me as a helper, not once, not twice but, three times, I appreciate you putting me as P-Helper as, I learnt my lesson, I also appreciate the other two times you demoted me, both for fair reasons, I'm sorry for being an all round *** to you over the time you were a good cause to the server.
11kobeer, my main man... without you also, I wouldn't be a staff member on Foxcraft, thank you for helping me get to where I am, thank you for also dealing with staff reports about me and, accepting my side of the story, thank you for listening to me over countless hours of TeamSpeak chatting, you are a real inspiration to me please, try to get more enjoyable plugins/items added for Foxcraft. You are probably the only one who can persuade Leon now xD
Affixes, yet again, you won't see this, we rarely talked but, the one time we did, you told me something along the lines of, to never do any of the **** I'd done wrong in the past again, I remembered that quote and, I haven't since.
The entire retired staff gang (Lenni, Ryan, JPlay all you lot), thank you for the smashing amount of hate from you guys, and the endless amount of chats. You were an inspiration to me. Thanks.
All staff members not in the retired gang, thank you also, you were the best. I wish all of you luck in your lives if you still play fox, I wish it to all that don't play also.
Foxcraft Administration Team (Amelia, Jesse, Nick, Sab), you guys were great, you always brought positive vibes to the community, you really were inspirations to me. Thank you.
Foxcraft Moderator Team (Mech, Robby, Raoul, Rick and, Jaywiz) you guys were also great, the most active staff members on the server, you made my job a lot more easier, thank you for being there for all of us.
Foxcraft Helper Team (Miranda, Malcolm and Andrew) not the most active part of the team but, you reported hackers and, banned them before we could sometimes, I rarely see any of you on anymore for your reasons but, you were still a great contribution in my eyes.
Future Foxcraft Helper Batch (Everybody who has been vouched (imo)) Good luck, this is a difficult server to staff on when we have so many people of different backgrounds.
Creative community, thanks for being you.
Skyblock community, thanks for being you.
And finally @Hyllus, who's comment at around an hour after my demotion struck me, you've been here since the start, suspended or not. Your comment really made me smile, thank you.
I could go on and on, about who's made Foxcraft enjoyable for me, let's just say, if I haven't permanently muted you or, if you haven't gone fully against me or maybe, you haven't DDoSed me or, challenged me every opportunity you could. You made it enjoyable.
Thank you.
EDIT: After discovering how powerful music is; k?d feat. RKCB - Discover is me right now, discovering a brand new opportunity for me
EDIT 2: Before anybody asks what my demotion reason was, it was nothing bad, Cloakfox can vouch for me when I say this it was:
"You just need to move on"
(I will not tag staff as this is against the rules, unless it's urgent)
Cloakfox, the server bird, thank you for promoting me no matter what, the community said, thank you for keeping me longer than I should be, you are a big reason to why I am still here, without you and your brilliant leadership of recent times, I couldn't get this far. Thank you.
connor12568 (who I know will never see this), thank you for promoting me as a helper, not once, not twice but, three times, I appreciate you putting me as P-Helper as, I learnt my lesson, I also appreciate the other two times you demoted me, both for fair reasons, I'm sorry for being an all round *** to you over the time you were a good cause to the server.
11kobeer, my main man... without you also, I wouldn't be a staff member on Foxcraft, thank you for helping me get to where I am, thank you for also dealing with staff reports about me and, accepting my side of the story, thank you for listening to me over countless hours of TeamSpeak chatting, you are a real inspiration to me please, try to get more enjoyable plugins/items added for Foxcraft. You are probably the only one who can persuade Leon now xD
Affixes, yet again, you won't see this, we rarely talked but, the one time we did, you told me something along the lines of, to never do any of the **** I'd done wrong in the past again, I remembered that quote and, I haven't since.
The entire retired staff gang (Lenni, Ryan, JPlay all you lot), thank you for the smashing amount of hate from you guys, and the endless amount of chats. You were an inspiration to me. Thanks.
All staff members not in the retired gang, thank you also, you were the best. I wish all of you luck in your lives if you still play fox, I wish it to all that don't play also.
Foxcraft Administration Team (Amelia, Jesse, Nick, Sab), you guys were great, you always brought positive vibes to the community, you really were inspirations to me. Thank you.
Foxcraft Moderator Team (Mech, Robby, Raoul, Rick and, Jaywiz) you guys were also great, the most active staff members on the server, you made my job a lot more easier, thank you for being there for all of us.
Foxcraft Helper Team (Miranda, Malcolm and Andrew) not the most active part of the team but, you reported hackers and, banned them before we could sometimes, I rarely see any of you on anymore for your reasons but, you were still a great contribution in my eyes.
Future Foxcraft Helper Batch (Everybody who has been vouched (imo)) Good luck, this is a difficult server to staff on when we have so many people of different backgrounds.
Creative community, thanks for being you.
Skyblock community, thanks for being you.
And finally @Hyllus, who's comment at around an hour after my demotion struck me, you've been here since the start, suspended or not. Your comment really made me smile, thank you.
I could go on and on, about who's made Foxcraft enjoyable for me, let's just say, if I haven't permanently muted you or, if you haven't gone fully against me or maybe, you haven't DDoSed me or, challenged me every opportunity you could. You made it enjoyable.
Thank you.
EDIT: After discovering how powerful music is; k?d feat. RKCB - Discover is me right now, discovering a brand new opportunity for me

EDIT 2: Before anybody asks what my demotion reason was, it was nothing bad, Cloakfox can vouch for me when I say this it was:
"You just need to move on"
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