A New Staff Group?

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New Member
Jul 20, 2017
World Of Anime
Before I start talking I want you all to know that this is my own personal opinion and not anyone else.

For all the players that play legit, thank you.

what im thinking is that this amazing, creative, friendly, community is all fair. but on the contrary, there will always be people who are unfair (Hackers) and people who break the rules and make it so, it's not fun to play the games, that Foxcraft has to offer.

My suggestion is that this incredible community, create a new group Known as the (BanTeam)

The "(BanTeam)" will have the following commands below


& Etc commands that are used to punished people who break the rules

I want to strongly join this team/group if it ever becomes a feature of the community.

Not Everyone Can Join
the requirements of this role is
- 13 + (in age)
- Has a strong mind in justice
- Knows the kinds hacks
- Why they want to join
- Discord/TS/Skype
- Clam/Collected
- Can justify any situation

Thank you for all the people who have read this post Vote if u think this should be a real thing and Have a Great time with this amazing community.


This is basically what the helper rank is :P Helpers do not get the ability to perm ban players however, they can tempban them and send the proof to a higher up staff member for them to then permanently ban the player. We did at one point have H-Patrol and guards, but since time they have been removed.
Before I start talking I want you all to know that this is my own personal opinion and not anyone else.

For all the players that play legit, thank you.

what im thinking is that this amazing, creative, friendly, community is all fair. but on the contrary, there will always be people who are unfair (Hackers) and people who break the rules and make it so, it's not fun to play the games, that Foxcraft has to offer.

My suggestion is that this incredible community, create a new group Known as the (BanTeam)

The "(BanTeam)" will have the following commands below


& Etc commands that are used to punished people who break the rules

I want to strongly join this team/group if it ever becomes a feature of the community.

Not Everyone Can Join
the requirements of this role is
- 13 + (in age)
- Has a strong mind in justice
- Knows the kinds hacks
- Why they want to join
- Discord/TS/Skype
- Clam/Collected
- Can justify any situation

Thank you for all the people who have read this post Vote if u think this should be a real thing and Have a Great time with this amazing community.



Why are you discriminating against clams? What if I'm an oyster?
'Clam/Collected'. I'm not clam I'm a pearl. Does that mean I can't join?

To be honest it's just like the Helper rank. Although I do wish Helper had perm ban (/ban not /permban lol).
Not really much point.
'Clam/Collected'. I'm not clam I'm a pearl. Does that mean I can't join?

To be honest it's just like the Helper rank. Although I do wish Helper had perm ban (/ban not /permban lol).
Not really much point.
Young man clams make pearls. That means you're an inanimate object, being a grain of sand covered in shiny stuff, so no. xD
So, you just described a whole new staff rank that has the same abilities as a moderator... Sounds fantastic...
only 10 players play kitpvp no point of adding hpatrol. If we had the 2013 kitpvp with like 100+ players then we would need a hpatrol team
well it could be used for skywars kit prison and opprison were it cant be abused
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