A new grief

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New Member
Jul 7, 2021
Hello creative players I have been consistently playing creative for about 2 months now. and today I have found these griefers, and I would like to share how they try to grief you so that no one will fall for it and lose their progress on their plot! first one person will go onto your plot and using a glitch (i have no idea what it is) will be able to spawn annoying cosmetics on your plot. then after which a second player will pretend to have stumbled upon your plot and say that they can fix it if you give them permissions to the plot. (never trust people with your plot unless they have a bit of experience and are known in the community or know IRL.) but in this case, you will be able to see both players will probably have random and long names and have barely any blocks places and are probably alts. and you can see that both accounts are being controlled by the griefer by seeing that while one is moving almost always the other one is standing still. and both players have the same grammar. now if this situation has sadly unfolded on you make sure to take screenshots and evidence and write down the player's names! and report it to an admin or on the forums (like what I am doing now.) goodbye, I hope this is useful.
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