A message to Foxcraft about Survival.

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It's survival, factions has raiding etc.
Most people don't even raid when it comes to factions. They afk for $$ and make gear. Survival is same thing, so you're incorrect Mr. Cloak. This is factions 2.0
It's survival, factions has raiding etc.
It has lots of similarities now. Survival has no sense of surviving. Not trolling or trying to make it difficult for you, there's no point arguing either. We should just try to make a solution that pleases everyone. Which I have ideas for, and could create a suggestion that'd take little effort but would please everyone.

Survival is way too protected, building is fun but after a while it gets stale. The gameplay needs diversity to keep interest.
just make a whole new survival
no claims
add pvp back
no economy
i have alrdy said reset survival but the Og players baby cry " noooo ive worked 1931937678 hours on this survival! dont reset my hard work all gone! if u reset i quit!"
Appreciate the feedback but it seems.you guys want a anarchy ganemode back
No, you tried that. It didn't work out which is fair enough, stuff happens. I know people giving you negative feedback is frustrating, but it's necessary to keep a server good.
No need for another gamemode.

Not asking for anarchy like things, just some stuff that allows all different types of Survivalists to enjoy it. As I said before, I have some solutions that I'm fairly sure would make everyone happy.
There's this one youtuber who set up a survival server on Java edition and Bedrock edition for a month and griefing cities was literally every part of each second of that video I watched. Even if griefing/raiding is apart of Factions, isn't Factions just a Survival gamemode, but with the intention of raiding a person's base for the faction's gain?
Been playing Foxcraft since mid-2013. And have played ever since alongside SuperHans. I've seen many versions of Survival.

I'm making it clear that this isn't just another veteran player being toxic and nostalgic because of changes, this is my point of view (a player since 2013) alongside many others, a majority of the Survival playerbase.

Survival now is full of toxicity, and being a toxic person myself, especially in the past says a lot about the community on Survival. Although there was griefing, lack of order and killing in 2013, it seems to be a lot more tame compared to now. As people would be more likely to try to work together. There was action and so much going on that no longer takes place on Survival. It's no longer as fun.
One thing that kept Survival enjoyable, was the roleplay and formation of different teams competing with each other, just like in 2016. This has been totally annihilated through the destruction of being able to pvp.

Survival is now plagued with toxicity, people holding almost 200 million $ themselves, grinders with hundreds of spawners, silk touch spawners, /fly, /speed, mobs nerfed, iron golem spawners and all pvp disabled and a shop which means you can purchase all supplies you need for dirt, EVEN LAVA FLOW is disabled which makes the Nether and mining far easier. There's nothing about it that requires any Survival, action or effort. It's not Survival in almost every form.

Cloakfox, you and Affixes promised us back in 2016 that Survival would never end up like this, that's what has happened. Things need to change, all of the points I've made need to be addressed at some point and fixed.

I agree, I remember when I first joined in 2015 it was just beginning to get on the toxic side, I completely stopped going to that mode, people will belittle the noobs and just blatantly disrespect them.. It upsets me that this has been a big issue for THIS long, even more now that a Veteran MC player is saying something about, even since they say they are toxic themselves.. I agree on this needing to be fixed as it is a VERY big issue that will likely spread to other gamemodes and possibly servers.
So, I agree 110%
I agree, I remember when I first joined in 2015 it was just beginning to get on the toxic side, I completely stopped going to that mode, people will belittle the noobs and just blatantly disrespect them.. It upsets me that this has been a big issue for THIS long, even more now that a Veteran MC player is saying something about, even since they say they are toxic themselves.. I agree on this needing to be fixed as it is a VERY big issue that will likely spread to other gamemodes and possibly servers.
So, I agree 110%
Prison is alrdy toxic so that’s out of the picture. Creative is basically filled with egirls so it’s friendly there. Kit pvp has OG players and hackers so there’s a little toxicity there. I didn’t even know kingdoms was still a game mode so there might be a couple players there that play and maybe 2 are toxic. Skyblock has Dutch and eu so you can’t even understand if they’re toxic or not.
I agree, I remember when I first joined in 2015 it was just beginning to get on the toxic side, I completely stopped going to that mode, people will belittle the noobs and just blatantly disrespect them.. It upsets me that this has been a big issue for THIS long, even more now that a Veteran MC player is saying something about, even since they say they are toxic themselves.. I agree on this needing to be fixed as it is a VERY big issue that will likely spread to other gamemodes and possibly servers.
So, I agree 110%
ya I know its like soooooooo bad. Cloakfox needa fix Survival in the upcoming updates planned. Pls
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