A Comprehensive guide on Minions
This guide covers how minions work on survival: the general information, features and how to utilize them. Some minions require a rank or certain experience level of other plugins to be fully utilized! Please open a conversation with me if there are errors & updates related to minions that were not applied to the guide. Thanks Kloppie for keeping us up to date with minion info.
Minions on this server act as tools to help collect resources, automate chores and most importantly aid in creating passive income. Progressing in survival can be taken two ways, using minions towards gathering useful items for yourself or use the minions to make a passive income that you can invest in different aspects that can help you boost further.
Access all your minions easily with /minions, where you can sort and manage every minion owned by you.
Minions can be upgraded, this means that every minion can work more efficiently and they can be upgraded in the following manner:
Tier 1 > Tier 2 costs $750,000.
Tier 2 > Tier 3 costs $1,500,000.
Minions come in 8 different types which are described below. Each type of minion has its own features and attributes that can be upgraded.
Farmer Minions
Automatically farm and replant crops around it, at the same Y Level and stores the items harvested in a chest:
Crops include:
- Beetroot
- Carrot
- Nether Wart
- Potato
- Wheat
- Sweet Berries
Tier 1
Harvests every 30 seconds.
Range of 9 blocks (19x19 field).
Tier 2
Harvests every 30 seconds.
Range of 12 blocks (25x25 field). +3 blocks
Tier 3
Harvests every 30 seconds.
Range of 16 blocks (33x33 field) +4 blocks
Miner Minions
Mines blocks in front of it and stores the items in a chest, generally used with cobblestone generators.
Collectors have a whitelist filter (Only pick up specified items) and a blacklist filter (Does not pick up specified items), this can be toggled using the Inverse Filter button. Items can be inserted into the filter by using the Configure filter button.

Lumberjack Minions
Cuts down any wood (not planks) around it and stores the wood in a chest. Lumberjacks can replant saplings, so use them in a field of saplings.
Tier 1
Chops every 20 seconds.
Range of 9 blocks in every direction
19x19x19 Field (X-Y-Z)
Tier 2
Chops every 14 seconds. -6 seconds
Range of 12 blocks in every direction +3 blocks
25x25x25 Field (X-Y-Z)
Tier 3
Chops every 7 seconds. -7 seconds
Range of 16 blocks in every direction +4 blocks
33x33x33 Field (X-Y-Z)
Fisher Minions
Has a chance to catch fish from water sources in front of it and stores the fish in a chest. These fish can either be cooked and sold in the /shop or /fish shop. (/fish shop is highly recommended when selling fish).
Tries to fish every 40 seconds.
Chance of catching fish: 30%
Tier 2
Tries to fish every 30 seconds. -10 seconds
Chance of catching fish: 60% +30% chance
Tier 3
Tries to fish every 20 seconds. -10 seconds
Chance of catching fish: 90% +30% chance
Slayer Minions
Automatically kills mobs around it for you, great for killing tough mobs quicker and automating mob farms.

Collector Minions
Automatically picks up drops in its radius and store them in a chest, useful for collecting loot continuously and store items for further automation.
Collectors have a whitelist filter (Only pick up specified items) and a blacklist filter (Does not pick up specified items), this can be toggled using the Inverse Filter button. Items can be inserted into the filter by using the Configure filter button.

Sorter Minions
Automatically sorts items items from a linked chest into other chests, used in farms and contraptions that would require sorting items for some to either be: sold, smelted or stored.
Tier 1
Sorts items every 5 seconds.
Can sort to 4 chests.
Tier 2
Sorts items every 3 seconds. -2 seconds
Can sort to 8 chests. +4 chests
Tier 3
Sorts items every 2 seconds. -1 seconds
Can sort to 12 chests. +4 chests
Seller Minions
Automatically sell items in a chest, for a portion of their selling price in /shop.
Tier 1
Sorts items every 120 seconds.
Can sell from 1 chest.
Sell multiplier: 0.25x
Tier 2
Sorts items every 90 seconds. -30 seconds
Can sell from 2 chests. +1 chest
Sell multiplier: 0.45x +20% multiplier
Tier 3
Sorts items every 60 seconds. -30 seconds
Can sell from 3 chests. +1 chest
Sell multiplier: 0.7x +25% multiplier
Income with Minions
There are a few minions that can be used as a way for passive income when paired with a Seller Minion or stored to be sold manually (Fishing minion).

This guide covers how minions work on survival: the general information, features and how to utilize them. Some minions require a rank or certain experience level of other plugins to be fully utilized! Please open a conversation with me if there are errors & updates related to minions that were not applied to the guide. Thanks Kloppie for keeping us up to date with minion info.
Not having a rank or experience does not mean you can't use the minions, the minions will still do excellent for you.
Table of Contents
1. General Information
2. Minions
- Farmer
- Miner
- Lumberjack
- Fisher
- Slayer
- Collector
- Sorter
- Seller
3. Income
General informationIgnore this section if you already know what minions do.
Minions on this server act as tools to help collect resources, automate chores and most importantly aid in creating passive income. Progressing in survival can be taken two ways, using minions towards gathering useful items for yourself or use the minions to make a passive income that you can invest in different aspects that can help you boost further.
Access all your minions easily with /minions, where you can sort and manage every minion owned by you.
Minions can be upgraded, this means that every minion can work more efficiently and they can be upgraded in the following manner:
Tier 1 > Tier 2 costs $750,000.
Tier 2 > Tier 3 costs $1,500,000.
Before building something with minions, make sure they are in activation range (2 chunks away from the chunk you plan to AFK in)
Minions come in 8 different types which are described below. Each type of minion has its own features and attributes that can be upgraded.

Automatically farm and replant crops around it, at the same Y Level and stores the items harvested in a chest:
Crops include:
- Beetroot
- Carrot
- Nether Wart
- Potato
- Wheat
- Sweet Berries
Tier 1
Harvests every 30 seconds.
Range of 9 blocks (19x19 field).
Tier 2
Harvests every 30 seconds.
Range of 12 blocks (25x25 field). +3 blocks
Tier 3
Harvests every 30 seconds.
Range of 16 blocks (33x33 field) +4 blocks
Make sure to choose the best crops to sell in the shop if you look for passive income.

Mines blocks in front of it and stores the items in a chest, generally used with cobblestone generators.
Collectors have a whitelist filter (Only pick up specified items) and a blacklist filter (Does not pick up specified items), this can be toggled using the Inverse Filter button. Items can be inserted into the filter by using the Configure filter button.
Please make sure you have Rabbit rank or above to take advantage of the ore generator.

Cuts down any wood (not planks) around it and stores the wood in a chest. Lumberjacks can replant saplings, so use them in a field of saplings.
Tier 1
Chops every 20 seconds.
Range of 9 blocks in every direction
19x19x19 Field (X-Y-Z)
Tier 2
Chops every 14 seconds. -6 seconds
Range of 12 blocks in every direction +3 blocks
25x25x25 Field (X-Y-Z)
Tier 3
Chops every 7 seconds. -7 seconds
Range of 16 blocks in every direction +4 blocks
33x33x33 Field (X-Y-Z)

Has a chance to catch fish from water sources in front of it and stores the fish in a chest. These fish can either be cooked and sold in the /shop or /fish shop. (/fish shop is highly recommended when selling fish).
Tier 1Do not confuse with the PyroFishing plugin (/fish). The minion can only fish: Cod, Salmon, Tropical Fish, Pufferfish
Tries to fish every 40 seconds.
Chance of catching fish: 30%
Tier 2
Tries to fish every 30 seconds. -10 seconds
Chance of catching fish: 60% +30% chance
Tier 3
Tries to fish every 20 seconds. -10 seconds
Chance of catching fish: 90% +30% chance

Automatically kills mobs around it for you, great for killing tough mobs quicker and automating mob farms.

Automatically picks up drops in its radius and store them in a chest, useful for collecting loot continuously and store items for further automation.
Collectors have a whitelist filter (Only pick up specified items) and a blacklist filter (Does not pick up specified items), this can be toggled using the Inverse Filter button. Items can be inserted into the filter by using the Configure filter button.

Automatically sorts items items from a linked chest into other chests, used in farms and contraptions that would require sorting items for some to either be: sold, smelted or stored.
Tier 1
Sorts items every 5 seconds.
Can sort to 4 chests.
Tier 2
Sorts items every 3 seconds. -2 seconds
Can sort to 8 chests. +4 chests
Tier 3
Sorts items every 2 seconds. -1 seconds
Can sort to 12 chests. +4 chests

Automatically sell items in a chest, for a portion of their selling price in /shop.
Tier 1
Sorts items every 120 seconds.
Can sell from 1 chest.
Sell multiplier: 0.25x
Tier 2
Sorts items every 90 seconds. -30 seconds
Can sell from 2 chests. +1 chest
Sell multiplier: 0.45x +20% multiplier
Tier 3
Sorts items every 60 seconds. -30 seconds
Can sell from 3 chests. +1 chest
Sell multiplier: 0.7x +25% multiplier
Income with Minions
There are a few minions that can be used as a way for passive income when paired with a Seller Minion or stored to be sold manually (Fishing minion).
Miner minion income is highly dependant on your skill levels and it is very difficult to estimate, they fall shorter compared to farmer minions and higher than fisher minions

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