1.11 is Coming....

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Mar 7, 2016
So! I wanted to know everyone's favorite 1.11 feature shown on this list, if you know about any of them. If you don't, I'll explain it here.

Shulker Box: These are practically backpacks. They are made with 2 Shulker shells, which Shulkers now drop, and a chest. They can be dyed with any dye, and can be broken with any tool. When broken, Shulker boxes keep their contents and list up to 5 of them when you hover over it in your inventory.

Vindicator: This is a new mob coming to Minecraft 1.11. Like the Shulker, these mobs don't respawn once they're killed, and don't despawn naturally. They are generated inside of the new natural structure, the Woodland Mansion. This mob is one of the two types of Illagers. Yes, you read correctly, Illagers. They're basically the Villager's cousin, or rather, evil uncle, because of the fact that these guys have pale gray skin, and are hostile towards players and villagers. They have an appearance similar to villagers, wearing a strange robe, arms crossed. However, once a player or Villager walks within its range of sight, it separates its arms, it draws an iron axe, and starts going after them. The Vindicator's speed is greater than I player's walk speed, so if you wanna escape, you'd need to run, or use an ender pearl. As an Easter egg, naming a Vindicator "Johnny" causes it to be hostile to all mobs, except for other Illagers. Upon death, it has the chance to drop and iron axe and an emerald.

Evoker: This is what would be considered the Vindicator's more diabolical cousin. This is the second of the two types of Illagers you will find in Woodland Mansions. They assume the same position as the Vindicator, with their arms crossed, until a player or Villager comes within their line of sight. When this happens, the Evoker will start waving its arms in the air as it casts a spell. It casts one of two spells. One spell summons 3 Vexes, which is another new mob added to the game. These Vexes are tiny, floating ghost-things with iron swords. They'll attack players or Villagers within their range, and they can also fly through blocks. The second of the two spells is called Fangs. It summons a long row of what looks like alligator heads, and they rise up from the ground to chomp whatever unlucky victim might be in its range. This is easily avoidable. However, if you DO manage to get hit by it, directly that is, it will deal 3 hearts of damage, regardless of armor type. This would be considered a mini-boss within the game. Upon death, it will always drop a Totem of Undying, which I will explain about further in the list. They also have a chance to drop emeralds.

Woodland Mansion: The Woodland Mansion is the new naturally-generating structure in Minecraft 1.11. This structure is absolutely MASSIVE, and comes with all sorts of things on the inside, such as wheat farms, with lily pads over the water, pumpkin and melon farms, a tree-farming room, a nursery, a cage-looking room with a dungeon loot chest, what would appear to be a smelting room, with a damaged anvil, there are jail cells, small-scale pixel art made of wool, a tombstone room, libraries, dining rooms, bedrooms, and maybe a little more. The floors are carpeted, and the structure is 3 floors high, with the 3rd for being somewhat smaller than the rest. It has glass panes, and it built out of dark oak planks and logs. These structures only spawn in dark oak forests, and are rare, compared to other structures like dungeons and ocean monuments.

Llamas: Llamas! Yes, llamas! Jens Bergensten (The developer at Mojang)'s favorite animal! Llamas have been added to the game as a neutral mob. Llamas will not turn hostile, but if you hit them, they'll spit once, dealing half a heart of damage, if you're not wearing armor. They spit at and will chase wolves to spit at them. Wolves run away from llamas naturally, but if hit with the spit spray, will become aggressive towards the llamas and start attackign them. You cannot saddle and ride around on a llama, but you can put a dyed carpet on it for decoration, and a chest for storage, with up to 15 slots, depending on the llama's strength stat. If you put a lead on a llama, other llamas that see the lead on the llama will follow behind the llama and try to create a caravan. While in a caravan, llamas will not attack anyone or anything.

Vex: These are small flying mobs that are summoned by the Evoker and can go through walls. They're pretty annoying, but you should wait until you kill the Evoker before going after them. These Vexes have a limited-time lifespan, so they'll start automatically taking damage after a while.

Totem of Undying: This is a pretty cool item that's dropped by the Evoker on death. I wouldn't use it, but I'd keep it as a trophy item, for the sole reason being Evokers can't respawn, which prevents emerald and Totem farming. Upon running out of hearts, a green particle effect is shown, and you get 3 absorption hearts, along with regeneration 2, just enough to save your butt in a tight spot.

I hope you enjoyed this list, and I might add more later, so be sure to check in once in a while.
Yea 1.7 will always be the best update i mean why the **** would someone go OH LETS REMOVE BLOCKING AND JUST ADD SHEILDS TO MAKE THESE FUCKERS GET BETTER AT PVP and while there at it add some shitty mobs that are better off left in mods

Dammit. gettings powered minecarts was a BIG deal to me. and im not a pvp person.
the 1.11 is more about survival mode than PVP ... thank gawd.
[doublepost=1475283747,1475283509][/doublepost]So it looks like all the PVP players dont like anything after 1.7/8 any the PVE players take the slack.
Lmao I don't play with versions after 1.8 so I don't care XD

But as an admin and a minecraft fan (obviously since your an admin ) how can you not be FOR advancements?
LMFAO .. thats mad. i login on what the client decides ...set as latest update.
i saw the difference between skyblock and creative mode on mcfoxcraft....
appeared to be a big difference.
I swear MC is just becoming a worse place. Just a few years ago it was more than 3 times as popular as it is now. With the EULA, horrible updates, etc., MC is slowly killing their game. If Notch had not been bought out for $2.5B USD, he would literally be treating his employees like the North Korean Dictatorship treats their prisoners. Every single person that works for Mojang is an idiot, and the next one of their assinine moves is to release another shitty update. #BringBackNotch #StepInMicrosoft #JebForPrison2016 #MajorIdiotAlert
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