0 staff online

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New Member
May 19, 2017
Bergen, Norway
I feel the need to bring up something about this servers staff.

It seems there often are no staff on the server. While staff really should be there in case of people needing help with for example hackers ruining their gameplay. I often play on the KitPvP server on Foxcraft, where hackers usually strike. If I think a player is using killaura or any other sort of cheat, I do /staff to contact someone to further look into the player's behaviour.

But this may often not be the case. Most times when I find a hacker, there are no staff online. Maybe the server should hire more staff as there are only 9 staff in Foxcraft?

They don't even hire them, cloakfox just recruits stupid teenagers (most of them) who don't know how in the world to moderate.
Yeah ik brady hasn't even accepted 1 new staff to the team since hes open the apps perm

@Ksmudger I'll rather have a few stupid teens helper than no staff online most the time
Im sorry for your inconvenience. It is December and most of the staff have finals, work, other activities that they also need to go to. We cant be on 100% of the time and hope you can realize that. I will bring it up in the staff chat and try to get more moderation time happening. If not, you can also make player reports of the players hacking and try to help more as apart of the community. Thanks.

Good day,
He has a forums account why can't he?
Why should they have to report when there's people with staff ranks meant to be doing it? That's like giving out a job for someone to do, them not doing it. Then expecting other people to do it lol.
Why should they have to report when there's people with staff ranks meant to be doing it? That's like giving out a job for someone to do, them not doing it. Then expecting other people to do it lol.
Again, staff members are humans too. We cant get everyone has soon as you all need it. Staff has needs too and it would be a great help if the community would still report and not blame it on the staff when they have lives to attend to and more important things.

If a staff member mainly brady, would like to reopen this and respond they may. As for now I am closing the thread.
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