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Dec 18, 2016
Hear us, o' People of Survival!
We are The Empire!
We seek to conquer the lands of Survival!
Join us, and you will become RICH with us!
Fight us, and you will be CRUSHED!
O' people of survival!
You have the choice...
So join us and become...

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Your IGN (in-game-name):
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred:
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:
Past team experiences:
PvP skills 1-10:
Building skills 1-10:
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?:
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?:
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:
What is your opinion of the Empire?:
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?:
How do you feel about killing?:
How do you feel about raiding?:

Information on possible issues to do with format/possibly not understanding:
In-game-name is what it says, for example, my IGN name is _Super_Hans_.
By rank I mean, Member, VIP, Shadowfox, FoxKing etc.
To check your levels do /swords /unarmed etc to see your level.
/mcrank to see your positions on all skills.

☆The Empire☆

  • Better things than the Warriors
  • A path to make you overpowered
  • A team that values its each and every member
  • A blaze grinder for XP
  • Opportunities
  • An opportunity to voice your concerns about the server e.g. Hackers, Bugs, Server issues etc to a staff member
  • A rank system which gives members a sense of accomplishment
  • Fun and interesting goals to work towards
  • Better knowledge about survival
  • Get to be part of cool propaganda posters
  • Join in on cool raids on enemy teams/players
  • Bragging rights
  • A chance to change survival with your own hands
  • Far out tp's
  • Access to resources
  • A cool team with lore and backstory behind it, with a cool banner
  • Much, much more

Note that the above-mentioned benefits may not ALL be available for players that are new to the Empire, you may need to work your way up in order to achieve access to some of the greater benefits and perks.
A quote from our All-Inspiring Emperor, Ksmudger:

Empire Rules(Must Read These If You Are Serious About Joining The Empire):
Empire Rankings:

You can also check out some of the propaganda that's been made! Check the attached files.

PM me or talk to me in game if you have any questions about the Empire or about this thread.


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Reactions: Defol and Ksmudger
[doublepost=1502568938,1502568634][/doublepost]also i kind of worry about you sometimes, like how do you even think of some of those pictures?
Your IGN (in-game-name): AdminTar ( karriruka now)
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred: shadowfox
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. evanthedanishfriend
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival: 2014
What positive things could you offer The Empire?: being a expandable person
Past team experiences: LastHope,CLub Penguin
PvP skills 1-10: 6
Building skills 1-10: 3
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc: ksm raided me
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed): unarmed
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: yes
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: some
What is your opinion of the Warriors?: ****
What is your opinion of the Empire?: daddy
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?: yes, they killed my horse
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?: no
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?: yes, ksm did for whatever reason
How do you feel about killing?: i like it
How do you feel about raiding?: i'm fine with it
  • Like
Reactions: Ksmudger
Your IGN (in-game-name): edenslight. soon to be thepowerofsix
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred: skyfox
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. you have me
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival: 2011
What positive things could you offer The Empire?: help in pvp
Past team experiences: rando in survival
PvP skills 1-10: 7.5
Building skills 1-10: 3
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc: Leather
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed): idk
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: Yes
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: I do know about your wars
What is your opinion of the Warriors?: Meh
What is your opinion of the Empire?: meh
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?: meh
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for whatreason?: Idk5
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team? No

I legit want to start playing survival. so hmu
How do you feel about killing?: no remorse
How do you feel about raiding?: no remorse
  • Like
Reactions: Ksmudger
@IgiveL Accepted.
Your IGN (in-game-name): edenslight. soon to be thepowerofsix
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred: skyfox
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. you have me
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival: 2011
What positive things could you offer The Empire?: help in pvp
Past team experiences: rando in survival
PvP skills 1-10: 7.5
Building skills 1-10: 3
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc: Leather
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed): idk
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: Yes
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: I do know about your wars
What is your opinion of the Warriors?: Meh
What is your opinion of the Empire?: meh
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?: meh
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for whatreason?: Idk5
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team? No

I legit want to start playing survival. so hmu
How do you feel about killing?: no remorse
How do you feel about raiding?: no remorse

Your IGN (ItzNoH4xJu5tMatt):
Rank - None
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only): MC Rapper#0391
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival: The Week Of 8/4/17
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:My loyalty
Past team experiences:Not Much.
PvP skills 1-10: 6
Building skills 1-10:4
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:Enchanted Dia. Armor/Axe
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):0 Archery, 1 Axe, 8 Sword, 29 acro
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?:Yes.
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?:Enough.
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:Enemies
What is your opinion of the Empire?:Allies
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:Yes. They pushed people into combat while they were afk.
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:No.
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?:No.
How do you feel about killing?:I like it.
How do you feel about raiding?:Amazing

Information on possible issues to do with format/possibly not understanding:
In-game-name is what it says, for example, my IGN name is _Super_Hans_.
By rank I mean, Member, VIP, Shadowfox, FoxKing etc.
To check your levels do /swords /unarmed etc to see your level.
/mcrank to see your positions on all skills.
  • Like
Reactions: Ksmudger
Your IGN (in-game-name):Elucidatorz
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred:Member
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.ill pm u in game
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:22/july/2017
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:death and murder of our enemies
Past team experiences:they couldn't take my jokes and pranks so i left :p
PvP skills 1-10:7
Building skills 1-10:6
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:pprot 4 mending unbreaking 3 :p and more
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):swords:18 T-T axe:45 T-Tunarmed:7 T-T acrobatics:218 :D
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: HELL YES
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: as much as idk if trump wants to attack north korea or not
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:agroup of minecraft players who i clearly do not give a crap if they live or die
What is your opinion of the Empire?: I SAW THE LIGHT
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:yes pissed me off
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:No i mean i took their stuff but gave it back cos im kind(not rly cos the items was shiet)
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?: yes,makiedapro,empire(the only thing he got was a wheat farm tho :p)
How do you feel about killing?:bug extermination
How do you feel about raiding?:meh
Your IGN (in-game-name): Wxffles
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred: Foxking
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. I'll pm u
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:
sometime in 2014
What positive things could you offer The Empire?: I got spare cookies
Past team experiences:
PvP skills 1-10:
Building skills 1-10: 1
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc: all max enchants
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed): ehh idk
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: no
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: enough
What is your opinion of the Warriors?: smelly
What is your opinion of the Empire?: stinky
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?: ofc, they had a beaver skin
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?: ye, Hans told me 2
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?: nup
How do you feel about killing?: Fun
How do you feel about raiding?: Way more fun

I was General II in the empire but idk if I'm still in
Last edited:
Your IGN (in-game-name):
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred:
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:
Past team experiences:
PvP skills 1-10:
Building skills 1-10:
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?:
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?:
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:
What is your opinion of the Empire?:
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?:
How do you feel about killing?:
How do you feel about raiding?:
Your IGN (in-game-name):Elucidatorz
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred:Member
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.ill pm u in game
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:22/july/2017
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:death and murder of our enemies
Past team experiences:they couldn't take my jokes and pranks so i left :p
PvP skills 1-10:7
Building skills 1-10:6
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:pprot 4 mending unbreaking 3 :p and more
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):swords:18 T-T axe:45 T-Tunarmed:7 T-T acrobatics:218 :D
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: HELL YES
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: as much as idk if trump wants to attack north korea or not
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:agroup of minecraft players who i clearly do not give a crap if they live or die
What is your opinion of the Empire?: I SAW THE LIGHT
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:yes pissed me off
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:No i mean i took their stuff but gave it back cos im kind(not rly cos the items was shiet)
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?: yes,makiedapro,empire(the only thing he got was a wheat farm tho :p)
How do you feel about killing?:bug extermination
How do you feel about raiding?:meh
Your IGN (in-game-name):
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred:
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:
Past team experiences:
PvP skills 1-10:
Building skills 1-10:
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?:
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?:
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:
What is your opinion of the Empire?:
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?:
How do you feel about killing?:
How do you feel about raiding?:
Actually fill out the format
Your IGN (in-game-name): Wxffles
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred: Foxking
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. I'll pm u
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:
sometime in 2014
What positive things could you offer The Empire?: I got spare cookies
Past team experiences:
PvP skills 1-10:
Building skills 1-10: 1
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc: all max enchants
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed): ehh idk
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: no
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: enough
What is your opinion of the Warriors?: smelly
What is your opinion of the Empire?: stinky
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?: ofc, they had a beaver skin
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?: ye, Hans told me 2
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?: nup
How do you feel about killing?: Fun
How do you feel about raiding?: Way more fun

I was General II in the empire but idk if I'm still in
Your IGN (ItzNoH4xJu5tMatt):
Rank - None
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only): MC Rapper#0391
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival: The Week Of 8/4/17
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:My loyalty
Past team experiences:Not Much.
PvP skills 1-10: 6
Building skills 1-10:4
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:Enchanted Dia. Armor/Axe
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):0 Archery, 1 Axe, 8 Sword, 29 acro
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?:Yes.
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?:Enough.
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:Enemies
What is your opinion of the Empire?:Allies
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:Yes. They pushed people into combat while they were afk.
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:No.
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?:No.
How do you feel about killing?:I like it.
How do you feel about raiding?:Amazing

Information on possible issues to do with format/possibly not understanding:
In-game-name is what it says, for example, my IGN name is _Super_Hans_.
By rank I mean, Member, VIP, Shadowfox, FoxKing etc.
To check your levels do /swords /unarmed etc to see your level.
/mcrank to see your positions on all skills.
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Reactions: Ksmudger
Actually fill out the format
@Wxffles is already in Empire.
Your IGN (in-game-name):
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred:
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game.
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival:
What positive things could you offer The Empire?:
Past team experiences:
PvP skills 1-10:
Building skills 1-10:
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc:
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?:
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?:
What is your opinion of the Warriors?:
What is your opinion of the Empire?:
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?:
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?:
How do you feel about killing?:
How do you feel about raiding?:
Hear us, o' People of Survival!
We are The Empire!
We seek to conquer the lands of Survival!
Join us, and you will become RICH with us!
Fight us, and you will be CRUSHED!
O' people of survival!
You have the choice...
So join us and become...

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Your IGN (in-game-name): GamerNoa
Rank - (Having any sort of donator rank isn't mandatory just preferred: Nope
Skype/Discord - if not comfortable with sharing publicly PM me it, or message me in game. Ill pm u
(Skype/Discord is not mandatory, just to add you to Empire Skype/Discord chat) (used for typing messages only):
Date that you joined Foxcraft/Survival: I joined around a year ago but really commited to survival a few weeks ago
What positive things could you offer The Empire?: I am very quick on my feet, i have a huge base to get the team whatever they need and ik a lot of ppl and they can provide armors and weapons. Since i used to be on the warriors ik there weaknesses and their abilites so i can give u some tips. I also am amaazing at building stuff, built many ppls homes (that were my friends) and also built my HUGE house, which took me around a week to build( i was on for 6 hours a day)
Past team experiences: I was on warriors for a bit because they needed help, but at the time i didnt know that there was beef.
PvP skills 1-10: 8
Building skills 1-10: 10
Your BEST gear, tools armour etc: enchanted diamond gear, elyctra, all enchanted diamonds tools and sword
MCMMO levels (Most important are, Swords, Axes, Acrobatics, Unarmed):
Do you swear to be everlastingly loyal to The Empire?: YEAHH
How much do you know about the 'politics' or teams on survival?: ik actually a lot since i talked to ppl and figured out a lot between them.
What is your opinion of the Warriors?: they kicked me out of their team, they r rly rude, target me for unknown reasons, so I HATE THEM
What is your opinion of the Empire?: Honestly, ive seen empire killing ppl many time and i think that they r so strong and since there r so many of them they kill a lot more ppl
Have you ever killed a player? If so, for what reason?: I killed many ppl, reasons being, killing my animals, breaking my stuff, trying to kill me, and just weak
Have you ever raided a player? If so, for what reason?: Ya, they where weak so i had an opotunity
Have you ever been raided? If so, by who or what team?: I have been raided before but that was when i was weak and without any materials, tools, armor and more
How do you feel about killing?: Im totally ok with it
How do you feel about raiding?: fine with it 2

Information on possible issues to do with format/possibly not understanding:
In-game-name is what it says, for example, my IGN name is _Super_Hans_.
By rank I mean, Member, VIP, Shadowfox, FoxKing etc.
To check your levels do /swords /unarmed etc to see your level.
/mcrank to see your positions on all skills.

☆The Empire☆

  • Better things than the Warriors
  • A path to make you overpowered
  • A team that values its each and every member
  • A blaze grinder for XP
  • Opportunities
  • An opportunity to voice your concerns about the server e.g. Hackers, Bugs, Server issues etc to a staff member
  • A rank system which gives members a sense of accomplishment
  • Fun and interesting goals to work towards
  • Better knowledge about survival
  • Get to be part of cool propaganda posters
  • Join in on cool raids on enemy teams/players
  • Bragging rights
  • A chance to change survival with your own hands
  • Far out tp's
  • Access to resources
  • A cool team with lore and backstory behind it, with a cool banner
  • Much, much more

Note that the above-mentioned benefits may not ALL be available for players that are new to the Empire, you may need to work your way up in order to achieve access to some of the greater benefits and perks.
A quote from our All-Inspiring Emperor, Ksmudger:

Empire Rules(Must Read These If You Are Serious About Joining The Empire):
Empire Rankings:

You can also check out some of the propaganda that's been made! Check the attached files.

PM me or talk to me in game if you have any questions about the Empire or about this thread.
You were in the Warriors for a few hours, no we didn't kick you. Adidas fan boii disbanded the team because he couldn't wait a day
[doublepost=1502775484,1502775373][/doublepost]@GamerNoa you know our weaknesses? No you were in for like 10 minutes LOL stop lying
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