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  1. P

    Questions about server rules

    Lmao a lot has changed since you got banned. I hope you have been having a nice last 4 days, I know I sure have :D . I know it may be hard to comprehend that people can think ahead, but I have openly admitted that my goal was to scoop up any lava you placed and put it back on you. That's not me...
  2. P

    Questions about server rules

    I literally just explained that, you placed lava underneath me and I tried scooping it up to place it back on you but I couldn't see shi through the fire. We were both there and saw what happened, i have literally no motivation for destroying my own crops on my own farm so I don't know what...
  3. P

    Questions about server rules

    I dont know if you looked at the picture, but that's literally you in the middle of destroying my crops+spamming wood. The second one is you in the action of placing lava on me for like the 9th time. Anyway it doesnt really matter anymore I repaired all the damages you did. Edit: literally the...
  4. P

    Questions about server rules

    Thank you for the reply, I was aware that griefing inside claims wasn't allowed, but unaware that griefing near claims wasn't. I realize a lot of this could have been prevented if I had locked down my kingdom early on, but all I wanted was to expand it and as a result have let a bunch of...
  5. P

    Questions about server rules

    My team was killed when you lava trapped us, I haven't griefed a single thing on this server literally ever and even if that was true, it was at the base that I built. I dont know what pike braiking is, and once again this all happened at my base I have screenshots showing all of the above including
  6. P

    Questions about server rules

    That shouldn't be my problem to deal with. Do it to someone else idc but you started going after me
  7. P

    Questions about server rules

    I have screenshots, evidence and witnesses to back up everything I have said here. I have done nothing to you beside have an arguement in the chat more then a week ago and you jumped at the first opportunity to grief me, my base, and my kingdom. I also have heard that you as a player directly...
  8. P

    Questions about server rules

    Multiple times over the last few days I have been griefed, claim stolen, and just generally harassed by a select few toxic kingdoms/players. It has been a specific three players, and each time I had to go far out of my way to try and gather evidence, because this server has lots of rules...
  9. P

    Help with land stealing

    First two are of half one of the houses destroyed and a massive chunk of the wall missing Third fourth and fifth are of square chunks missing from my wall. Everything except a few towers were finishes so Everything else is damage. I will be back with better screenshots and screenshots of the...
  10. P

    Help with land stealing

    Hi I've been a player since early May, and I've been working and grinding to build a massive city and kingdom. My kingdom just recently shot up in members and players, which also means the enemies I make increased. Inside my main base (we call it the Capital, cause there's plan for multiple...