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  1. IrishChevron

    1.11 is Coming....

    Thats a really interesting update. Always good to hear about the new updates
  2. IrishChevron

    Looking for critique on my videos

    Looking for critique on my videos
  3. IrishChevron


    thats just nasty if its not true.... a terrible thing to say.
  4. IrishChevron

    Starting the mini forest by completing a challenge to get saplings -...

    Starting the mini forest by completing a challenge to get saplings -
  5. IrishChevron

    Skyblock fully automatic pumpkin/melon farm (Stackable)

    The latest video showing how i do a fully automatic pumpkin and melon farm on skyblock I hope it is of some interest to you guys and maybe help out those just starting. Cheers IrishChevron
  6. IrishChevron

    First time recording for youtube

    HI guys and girls. Have started my first ever video recordings and have the up on you tube now Please check it out and give me some feedback. IrishChevron on Still new to making videos so a lot to learn Cheers IrishChevron.
  7. IrishChevron

    Access to /Fly command for 1 hour?

    Hi, I am about to embark on a video series of skyblock. And as a part of that video i would like to show the 3 starter islands. Would it be possible to either get access to the fly command to make the video or Get some to make the video of the starter islands for me and share that file...
  8. IrishChevron

    Week 1 Progress

    The ecpnomy ha sbeen booming on the IrishChevron isle thats people are flocking to move in. The small store has been over run and needed a new store front to cope with the demand. New store front almost complete
  9. IrishChevron

    Week 1 Progress

    getting started on the first shops with the semi automatic wheat farm to the left.
  10. IrishChevron

    Week 1 Progress

    No warp yet. Im waiting till i have a stocked shop .. spawn like island before i set a warp. should be soon tho.
  11. IrishChevron

    Week 1 Progress

    I love to visit islands or see other peoples islands to see how they play skywars. I know a lot go for island level but i thought beauty first then worry about level later. Id like to see more people reply with pictures of theirs to share and see.
  12. IrishChevron

    Week 1 Progress

    Loving this server. a taste of whats been happening. Not too bad for what started as the small hard island.