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  1. bloo_the_fluff

    henlo :D

    henlo :D
  2. bloo_the_fluff

    Survival Server Highways

  3. bloo_the_fluff

    Survival Server Highways

    They do it bc otherwise people complain about traveling really far to get loot. Also the next update will be big for the nether so even if they didn't regularly reset it they probably would anyway.
  4. bloo_the_fluff

    Add Back rain and using your trident with riptide in rain

    ./pweather storm didn't notice they got rid of rain tho thats lame
  5. bloo_the_fluff

    Who else is been terrorized by KSM’s temperature tantrum?

    Yeah this happend to me too lmao
  6. bloo_the_fluff

    When will players on Foxcraft be able to have a opinion.

    Gay is not a slur like the n word is tho
  7. bloo_the_fluff

    When will players on Foxcraft be able to have a opinion.

    Me, a gay, who constantly calls my bf and his actions gay as a joke: There is a difference between gay jokes that are offensive and jokes that are not offenssive. If the issue is the staff can't tell the difference just say thats the issue.
  8. bloo_the_fluff

    When is Gay O.K?

    I agree! Gay is a standard term in the LGBTQ+ community and is used a lot as terms of endearment or jokes between friends. The jokes can be seen as being potentially being offenssive by people not in the community, but if shown to a person in the community they will not feel its offenssive. I...
  9. bloo_the_fluff

    What is your New Years resolution?

    Mine is to continue doing my best
  10. bloo_the_fluff

    I made a Christmas Build that I am proud of

    Great Job!! Looks amazing!
  11. bloo_the_fluff

    My Shop’s Dead

    Are the chests still there? If not he probably just broke the chests, which drops all the items in it. Either way sorry this happend to you, it sucks. :(
  12. bloo_the_fluff

    BearMart -being robbed by legion members again

    Thats terrible :(( You should get ur money back thats so rude
  13. bloo_the_fluff


    Make a bug report
  14. bloo_the_fluff

    I made a shop and I'm proud of it so please visit

    Looks really nice!! I'll check it out next time I can get online. Is there a team home there? :D
  15. bloo_the_fluff

    I’m moving so I will be gone for a little while

    I hope moving goes smoothly!!!
  16. bloo_the_fluff

    Money Supply

    Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not from backlash from individuals lmao
  17. bloo_the_fluff

    Money Supply

    Well its 2019 and its time to stop living in the past lmao
  18. bloo_the_fluff

    Money Supply

    Idc if economy resets, should've reset after the Spaceboogers guy hacked imo
  19. bloo_the_fluff

    Money Supply

    Wtf are u talking about? The world is essentially infinite. Even if u do /wild you can easily find a place to claim.
  20. bloo_the_fluff

    Money Supply

    Are people really buying 1m dirt blocks tho??