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  1. Light4132


    Are you serious? The minimum age a child knowing the difference should be 6 (1st grade), when teachers teach spelling and the different meaning of words. Also technically, in the eyes of most, if you're not older than 21, you're still a child. Even at 21, people still considers one to be folly.
  2. Light4132

    One Punch Man, not a bad show :P

    One Punch Man, not a bad show :P
  3. Light4132


    It has been evident that most people I have encountered on the server do not know which your/you're and they're/their to use. I won't lie, I actually had the same issue. When I first started playing minecraft, back then I was younger and more stupid, was when I got the words confused...
  4. Light4132


    Hello and welcome.
  5. Light4132

    It seems like a reasonable thing to do. After all, look at all the work he's done so far.

    It seems like a reasonable thing to do. After all, look at all the work he's done so far.
  6. Light4132


    Do not post random messages to get your post count up (This is seen as spam) I'm pretty sure that counts as trying to get one's message count up. If there's a rating system, it should be used. Then again, I'm not sure if these messages count (on this thread).
  7. Light4132


  8. Light4132


    You could just use the rating things... You could've put agree or like, etc. But whatever...
  9. Light4132


    It will be missed, all the bad memories of incorrect spelling/grammar. All the times I argued with people, and criticized others. Those were the times.
  10. Light4132


    I chose vanilla because I knew that and chocolate would be the most popular. I don't really have a favorite, just felt like voting.
  11. Light4132


    That makes one more sin to the billions of ones that I've already made. I going to make my ride to hell a fun one.
  12. Light4132


  13. Light4132


    That happens with me, however, we are getting off topic...
  14. Light4132


    Which is why I said most. Most of the times, there's special circumstances to things.
  15. Light4132


    Someone said that already... I have a suspension that we both have similar intentions by posting as much as we can, that or you just didn't read what others said.
  16. Light4132


    I guess if you tell a someone to not think of an elephant, that's one of the first things that pops into their thoughts, well at least for most people.
  17. Light4132

    New Introduction

    Welcome back to the new forums. I wonder why you became an ex-helper.... Hopefully, when you record, you catch good footage of me playing skywars. :P
  18. Light4132


    Hello, and welcome back to the new forums.
  19. Light4132


    Welcome back :P
  20. Light4132


    I could reply that "replying to my reply doesn't make it better," but then I would be doing exactly what you're doing. So let's just end things here. PS - I was quite repetitive with my message...