Search results

  1. Dual

    looks like you applied for helper :)

    looks like you applied for helper :)
  2. Dual

    Helper applications

    still can't find helper apps <3
  3. Dual

    Helper Applicants

    wait wut there are apps? never seen them.
  4. Dual

    [Read Me] My Two Cents, Again.

    i didn't read anything but thanks :)
  5. Dual


    deal with it
  6. Dual


    deal with it
  7. Dual


    deal with it
  8. Dual


    w0t send me the ban list thing pls :3
  9. Dual

    About The Reset... {RANT}

    Spam kits so the diamonds will crash!
  10. Dual

    KitPvP Reset

    Everyone asked for a KitPvP reset, we did not need these new fancy features, every diamond player is spawncamping, defaults have so vaults, basically every donor wins. No one asked for these features, we just wanted a kitpvp reset. You had one job. EDIT: Nevermind, I love spamming kits on the...
  11. Dual

    About The Reset... {RANT}

    annnd defaults don't get vaults, oh boy!
  12. Dual

    Read about H Patrol

    Well like I said before, Evan is not cloakfox or Affixes so can he even say this? EDIT: Has cloakfox or Affixes ever said HPatrol is not coming back? If so link me.
  13. Dual

    Read about H Patrol

    Lol you never know when cloak/affixes will ever add it back, don't try to state crap before you know anything.
  14. Dual

    Read about H Patrol

    and another person trying to get staff's attention :/
  15. Dual
  16. Dual

    Name Change!?!

    tell essvault i said hi
  17. Dual

    Team Recruitment - Banditos

    oh i thought you ignored mine because you responded to the ones that are posted later than mine :(
  18. Dual

    Team Recruitment - Banditos

    so um do i ever get accepted :(
  19. Dual

    Most violent thing your friend has ever said to you.

    lol good luck ;p
  20. Dual

    Most violent thing your friend has ever said to you.

    because you gotta tag them instead of using the report option to make yourself feel special :)