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    hoe XD ik heb alleen me eerste pv nog met item andere had ik al leeg gemaakt :P
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    /ah bug

    i placed my god bow on /ah no 1 bought it so it will normaly be placed in the cancelled items thing but that was not the case i 100% sure that now 1 bought because i sold it for 999.999.999 on the bow umb III infity I flame VII power VIII punch VIII
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    what is happeing with all the pv's are the removed? and will the pv's back added?
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    Skyblock reset idea

    why dont reset only the inactief islands and let the actief islands stay would be better and then every 1 is happy
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    idea's for skyblock and bug

    2. it not how long i play it about the /token withdraw :P
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    idea's for skyblock and bug

    I play for a long time(9months +-) on this server and i still want 3 things that makes the server more fun to play 1. /block or /ingot (maybe mysticfox+)is 2. /token withdraw back in to the game ( if that won't happend maybe fortune 3+ back in the game) 3. /offline i have the problem that dutch...
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    Dont delete my island

    on glacier island owener udennick can u safe my island thanks greats udennick and tochtom info form UnexpecetedJorre
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    IGN: TochTom (for my buddy) SERVER: Skyblock (Glacier) He is the best friend i ever had and ever will get. I hope we are friends for ever already dor 10 years :P. Now about the server: player help the staff the banned hacker and the Staff banned them fast a posble (only real hacker ofc). staff...