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  1. Evster_

    skyblock 10/10 pro decisions

    Change the skyblock pvp area to the old sglacier pvp map. Fix hit and damage register because it’s pretty garbo. Also it lags hella bad whenever there’s a lot of people in pvp. ye ye skrt
  2. Evster_

    Foxcraft Duels

    i remember dropping my gear so you wouldn’t have to kill me
  3. Evster_

    wanna edate

    wanna edate
  4. Evster_

    u h0t don’t disagree lovely

    u h0t don’t disagree lovely
  5. Evster_

    I’m moving so I will be gone for a little while

    i live in charlotte
  6. Evster_

    ur a rando

    ur a rando
  7. Evster_

    i’m 13

    i’m 13
  8. Evster_

    u mad hot

    u mad hot
  9. Evster_

    where did you go bro

    where did you go bro
  10. Evster_

    LOL i’ll tell yo mamma i love her then you’ll call me step daddyo

    LOL i’ll tell yo mamma i love her then you’ll call me step daddyo
  11. Evster_

    The Boys Are Back In Town

    jplay is og mr nice guy
  12. Evster_


    i was a play toy
  13. Evster_

    The Boys Are Back In Town

    @snoopysims @Micm_ @JPlay08
  14. Evster_


    desecrator was da best
  15. Evster_

    tazz more like hot english lass

    tazz more like hot english lass
  16. Evster_

    SuperHams Ded - Meme Release. (Nether Fails) (I cried)

    @_Super_Hans_ more like Super survival nooob
  17. Evster_

    A New Beginning

    empire >
  18. Evster_


  19. Evster_


  20. Evster_


    y can’t i pvp in my claims i want to to scam kid but can’t kill him help