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  1. EKplaysMC

    @Instagram "kid"? I'm 23 lmfao. And your profile says you're 8... so yeah imma have to call b.s

    @Instagram "kid"? I'm 23 lmfao. And your profile says you're 8... so yeah imma have to call b.s
  2. EKplaysMC

    @BirdDragon3 that is 100% cap my guy, nobody ever said a thing.

    @BirdDragon3 that is 100% cap my guy, nobody ever said a thing.
  3. EKplaysMC

    So, since we're all grown up now, I'm gonna keep it a buck with y'all. I used to be hackin out...

    So, since we're all grown up now, I'm gonna keep it a buck with y'all. I used to be hackin out the *** back in the day from like 2013ish and until I stopped playing in like 2017ish and y'all never knew **** about it cause I was slick with it. I also abused out the *** when i was Helper/Staff lmfao.
  4. EKplaysMC

    'Sup! Its been a while, how y'all been

    'Sup! Its been a while, how y'all been
  5. EKplaysMC

    Skywars revamp ( POLL )

    I would LOVE if SkyWars was back, that was my main for a very long time. (p.s. I'd be down to help build some maps for it again ;)
  6. EKplaysMC

    I have been Staff on this sever on multiple previous occasions, I was HPatrol, Helper, T-Staff...

    I have been Staff on this sever on multiple previous occasions, I was HPatrol, Helper, T-Staff, Staff, then I resigned and didn't play Minecraft for a while and then came back and was Helper again for like a couple months.
  7. EKplaysMC

    Curious as to why Bashur is on the 'Played Here' list in the hub seeing as he's a pedophile and...

    Curious as to why Bashur is on the 'Played Here' list in the hub seeing as he's a pedophile and all... not exactly someone to boast about having been here.
  8. EKplaysMC

    I have been Staff on this sever on multiple previous occasions, I was HPatrol, Helper, T-Staff...

    I have been Staff on this sever on multiple previous occasions, I was HPatrol, Helper, T-Staff, Staff, then I resigned and didn't play Minecraft for a while and then came back and was Helper again for like a couple months.
  9. EKplaysMC

    *kissy face emoji*

    *kissy face emoji*
  10. EKplaysMC

    Quarantine got me so bored i jumped on Foxcraft for the first time in 3 years lmfaooooooooo

    Quarantine got me so bored i jumped on Foxcraft for the first time in 3 years lmfaooooooooo
  11. EKplaysMC

    It has indeed been a while

    It has indeed been a while
  12. EKplaysMC

    garrett, 1v1 me pussyboy

    garrett, 1v1 me pussyboy
  13. EKplaysMC

    Ermahgurd am on du furums foh ferst tym in munths. How est everbudy?

    Ermahgurd am on du furums foh ferst tym in munths. How est everbudy?
  14. EKplaysMC

    get more staff...

    F u cking YEET. Took this man's soul away with 1 sentence.
  15. EKplaysMC
  16. EKplaysMC

    We cannot. Sorry.

    We cannot. Sorry.
  17. EKplaysMC

    Highly doubt it. Most of the teams that were in the playoffs this season are who I'd be betting...

    Highly doubt it. Most of the teams that were in the playoffs this season are who I'd be betting on. Minus the Lions, Texans, and Chiefs. Otherwise every other team will most likely make it. Wait till preseason is over to start making your pick.
  18. EKplaysMC

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, ps3 battle

    Too bad my ps3 is broken or I'd give you the WORK
  19. EKplaysMC

    RIP Club Penguin. So sad. Such a gaming classic. Many meme. in the aaarrmmmms of the angelllllsss

    RIP Club Penguin. So sad. Such a gaming classic. Many meme. in the aaarrmmmms of the angelllllsss