Search results

  1. fweef


  2. fweef

    Feature suggestion| buying plot merges + changing the quartz path

    Would be a cool rank add-on :)
  3. fweef


  4. fweef

    Happy birthday!!!! :DD

    Happy birthday!!!! :DD
  5. fweef


  6. fweef

    your av is the best thing ive seen all week

    your av is the best thing ive seen all week
  7. fweef

    Your #1 priority should ALWAYS be your rap carreer

    Your #1 priority should ALWAYS be your rap carreer
  8. fweef

    Trouble breeding on my island, and not recieving all of my purchase.

    Okay! We've talked about this in-game and the issue should be solved by spreading the entities more instead of clumping them together. Thanks! /closed
  9. fweef

    Trouble breeding on my island, and not recieving all of my purchase.

    The villagers could be a result from the chunk limit. Try the command /checkchunk to see if your chunk exceeds this limit. The other animals won't breed as well?
  10. fweef

    Trouble breeding on my island, and not recieving all of my purchase.

    Hi Eve! I'm sorry to hear that your entities stopped breeding, I would love to hear more about this. How many entities are there on your island? Where did they come from (spawner / spawn egg / oneblock)? With this additional information I'm sure we can fill out a sufficient bug report ticket...
  11. fweef


  12. fweef

    Ayy welcome!!

    Ayy welcome!!
  13. fweef

    Congratulations master

    Congratulations master
  14. fweef

    Timed out

    The extreme amount of toxic remarks you've made over the past few months are absolutely unacceptable and are most definitely not welcomed in this community. Even in this post you take the chance to badmouth the staff-team. This says alot about your nature and I strongly suggest you take these 7...
  15. fweef

    Fashionably late and properly on time 8)

    Fashionably late and properly on time 8)
  16. fweef


  17. fweef

    Hidily Ho, Neighborinos!

    Hi welcome!! Hope you’ll have a great time over here :)
  18. fweef


    As mentioned above please rederict player reports to the appropriate section. /closed
  19. fweef


    Off-topic. /closed
  20. fweef

    How you can support playernames like "Andrewtate"

    Pointless discussion. Fight it out in PM’s. /closed