Foxcraft Forums

Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
Saying that you don't HAVE to use the commands is a terrible reason to add /fly. If there's an option to use it, people will, and the server will no longer be "survival".
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
How could you not see the ways in which /fly allows people to "win"? It basically allows people to build as if they're in creative. Not to mention that they can just fly around finding villages/temples 10 times quicker then a normal member.
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
It also takes away the majority of dangers players should face on a survival server. If you fall in lava, just fly out. If you're out of combat but still being chased, just fly away.
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
If you're trying to get to the top of another player's base, just fly up there. If you're surrounded by mobs or fighting a wither/dragon, just ******* fly to beat it. If you're looking for a nether fortress, just fly over the lava oceans. Shall I go on?
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
Also, the fact that becoming "pay to win" is a common change does not give you a reason to add these features. If anything, I would be trying to make Foxcraft different and unique. Not to mention, less corrupted and greed filled.
I understand your arguments, however that's totally up to the user to decide and doesn't ruin the experience of another individual.
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Foxcraft is not a unique server. If all, we are very generic - Just like 99% of the other MC servers out there. People don't join anymore because they want a "unique" experience, they join because they're 1) new to the game, 2) looking for just a new server to play on 3) to play with their favorite YouTubers.
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"as close to vanilla as possible" yeah sure
there is no Youtubers anyways we are probably gonna be the only ones playing Survival everyone else will quit
lol so basically they are copying other servers can't come up with something unique themselves this pisses me off can't even play Survival now.
Welcome to Creative 2.0 guys
You say that raiding is too "factions" but you're adding /fly and /speed? Lol doesn't make much sense to me to be honest.
If this is a Joke, it's not funny Jesse. Honestly we just want a VANILLA survival server, without any commands like /speed /fly etc.
Erm, he's trying new things. If you're too scared of the future, you should go onto the other gamemodes.
@snw, lol, these players have been here since Day 1. Let me guess, you haven't been on here that long?

And you don't get to tell us that we should leave the server.
So how about you leave us alone, and decide when you've realized how much Foxcraft means to us.
I didn't say other servers, I said gamemodes?
You said servers, nice edit.
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And you're probably the only person I've seen compliment the new updates. lmfao.
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
You haven't had a valid point in this argument yet Jesse.
1) If players were new to the game, wouldn't they be more likely to find hypixel/mineplex? Foxcraft has a small (and dying) community so it's unlikely their friends would recommend it anyway. Also, the amount of pay to win features would just turn new minecraft players away.
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