Foxcraft Forums

*Sees endless posts about not to add fly and speed to basically a vanilla survival server.. decides to add fly and speed* Why?
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
It seems like you're adding things simply because YOU want them to be added. Let's not forget that it's the community who decides whether this server lives or dies.
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rip survival
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
The player's of survival want it to be as close to vanilla as possible. Features like fly and speed (mainly the fly) ruin parts of the survival aspect. Not to mention that it's most likely going to be another pay to win ability, which I am completely against.
Parts of the survival aspect? No dude, no. Adding /fly COMPLETELY RUINS ALL aspects that has to do with vanilla survival. It DOES NOT MATTER if 'you can just turn if off if you don't want to use it', because people WILL NOT turn that **** off, guaranteed. Adding these commands will ruin the feeling of survival.
There is no needs to use these features if you decide against them. We are future focused on both reaching a larger playerbase (And from experience with several Survival servers, this is what most people want, although that might be out of Foxcraft's existing playerbase's interest) and generating more revenue, as this is a business.
10 community member's opinions can't change what thousands of incoming players might want.
1000 of incoming players? If you add fly and speed they will just think survival is pay to win and leave...
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
TGMDom is right. This server is becoming pay to win. Not to mention that if you continue to base updates on your own personal opinion rather then on what the players want, the current community will just die. What new players will you be getting if all people see is a dead server?
From experience with other Survival servers? If those servers have /fly and the such, those are no survival servers, but basically creative with the touch of gathering materials. If those players of that type of survival like that gamemode, that's not actually survival. You can't just assume that 1000's of players will join just because you copied other servers by adding /fly.
Doje [Lee]
Doje [Lee]
We, ourselves, may only be a small portion of the community. However, we are speaking for the majority of players. Most people who see a problem don't bother speaking out about it.
We are just helping the community get their concerns noticed. The threads we made concerning survival got tons of positive votes. Obviously, it isn't just the opinions of 10 members we are talking about here.
*20 people's opinions don't matter, 20 people play survival, 100% of people's opinions don't matter*
You fail to understand the point, and you probably never will. You don't HAVE to use the commands, it's simply an option. Yes, some of our servers have been getting pay2win in certain ways, however we don't live in 2011 anymore. This is quite a common change.

I don't see how /fly let's you "win" in any way what so ever as it's disabled in PvP.
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