Recent content by x1fu

  1. x1fu

    Halloween giveaway

    i did not rig it i used Wheel of Names | Random name picker to deside who won
  2. x1fu

    Halloween giveaway

    the winners are: 1st place: kittiephan 2nd place: laylah 3rd place: orange_ab i will message you guys on dc :D
  3. x1fu

    Halloween giveaway

    Hey everyone Halloween is almost here and i wanna do something special, i am turning 16 on halloween so i wanna do a giveaway on survival. How to enter?---> You type you discord name+tag, your minecraft IGN and your favourite Halloween memory in a reply. When?: I will spin a wheel on Halloween...
  4. x1fu

    Fix Survival

    they should just buy a better server hosting if cloak wants to keep the server populair he should just make it back to vanilla with the /chechchunk and things
  5. x1fu

    Giveaway giftcards!!!!!!!!!!!!

    discord: m4ster_of_dr4gons#2271 minecraft name: M4ster_s3npai why i want to win: i want a lot of fortune crate keys favorite memory: making friends on it
  6. x1fu

    make elytras as normal

  7. x1fu

    make elytras as normal

    i would love that
  8. x1fu

    Giveaway (survival)

    mc: M4ster_ch1fu dc: Master_oogway☯#6666