Recent content by stanley

  1. stanley

    villager spawners

    No i mean we should of atleast got the mcmmo we bought throught december not just jan feb
  2. stanley


    i just wanted to let all of u know next week i will be having a heart transplant because my doctors told me my heart is shutting down because of the pills i'm taking for depression so they said i might not make it so i just wanted to let u guys now that if i don't come on anymore you will know...
  3. stanley


    they took fort 8 out u cant get it anymore
  4. stanley


    the reason im leaving Foxcraft bc of 1NS4N1TY_MC on skyblock he killed me by a glitch on his island that u can hit people and i lost a god pick that had efficency 8 fortune 8 and unbreaking 10 and it was my only pick so thats why i am leaving i hope you all understand, fc will be missed
  5. stanley

    Cloak is Bae

    you are bae too :D
  6. stanley

    Cloak is Bae

    thx baest
  7. stanley

    Cloak is Bae

    I just wanted to say thank you cloak for all your work towards the server and everything you do!!!