RedTheFox999 Feb 26, 2017 When the glue holding your earbud speaker together dries up and breaks off. Sad life. Speaker still works, though. Ima glue it back.
When the glue holding your earbud speaker together dries up and breaks off. Sad life. Speaker still works, though. Ima glue it back.
RedTheFox999 Feb 22, 2017 When your friend got hit by a car a few weeks ago but your friends on tell you a few weeks later. .-.
When your friend got hit by a car a few weeks ago but your friends on tell you a few weeks later. .-.
RedTheFox999 Feb 18, 2017 Removing hopper crafting to make them more valuable? Wtf? This isn't factions, Leon.
RedTheFox999 Feb 18, 2017 I got inspiration from @Willturner5.2's status. Access the forums on your phone and type "I have crippling (middle suggestion)" and see what
I got inspiration from @Willturner5.2's status. Access the forums on your phone and type "I have crippling (middle suggestion)" and see what
RedTheFox999 Feb 16, 2017 Looks like building super compact farms is going to be a whole lot more costly than I thought. It costs more to stack than spawners.
Looks like building super compact farms is going to be a whole lot more costly than I thought. It costs more to stack than spawners.