based asf P2W wasn't to bad it was making sure there was an economy. critgems still allowed for some normal PvP, and assassin gear wasn't to over the top; in contrary to the current gear. sad to see a goodthing get f*cked so bad.
Alright first of I am back (sorta). Second of: I instantly noticed how BAD kingdom really is.
I started playing and the first thing I noticed was fishing being meta, and within a week it was nerfed into the ground. Personally a big bummer, but not many people are affected by this. Instead of...
Alles wat aan een kruidachtige plant groeit is volgens de tuinbouwkundige definitie groente, terwijl alles wat aan een houtachtige plant groeit volgens deze definitie fruit is. Dit is een belangrijk criterium om bijvoorbeeld de tomaat niet als fruit maar als groente te beschouwen.
Intresting, I simply made a larger fountain and danced around it.
what about storage though? I had a full inventory after +-100 catches. so i figure u got something for that