Recent content by GladdeNossoNL7

  1. GladdeNossoNL7

    Giveaway time (again

    GladdeNossoNL7 GladdeNossoNL7#9339 7 Years
  2. GladdeNossoNL7

    Cloak wa mot je

    Nee dat heb ik allang opgegeven
  3. GladdeNossoNL7

    Cloak wa mot je

    Kalmte kan je redden
  4. GladdeNossoNL7

    Help Please

    You will get notified if you check the forums now and then. Otherwise you wont get a notification if you get a reaction. A reaction can take a long time tho.
  5. GladdeNossoNL7

    Reset Skyblock

    Idk if it will stay alive but I wouldn't mind a reset
  6. GladdeNossoNL7


  7. GladdeNossoNL7

    Minion Giveaway

    Wassup noobs, I am gonna do a big giveaway on skyblock because I dont play it anymore. I will be giving away all my 64 miner minions divided among four people. To enter your giveaway all you have to do is: - Enter your Discord name and tag in the comments - Enter your Minecraft username in the...
  8. GladdeNossoNL7

    Survival G/A

    Damn rip survival, lets reset it!
  9. GladdeNossoNL7

    a small little guide to make money for new players

    Thx for the tip :D
  10. GladdeNossoNL7


    Double it and give it to the next person
  11. GladdeNossoNL7


    GladdeNossoNL7 GladdeNossoNL7#9339
  12. GladdeNossoNL7

    How you can support playernames like "Andrewtate"

    ‘U will get it’ What do you mean by that? It looks kinda threatening don’t you think so?
  13. GladdeNossoNL7

    How you can support playernames like "Andrewtate"

    The screenshot he got did not look very sweet
  14. GladdeNossoNL7

    How you can support playernames like "Andrewtate"

    What if i say that a helper has TopG as title, would you stop crying?
  15. GladdeNossoNL7


    Even the fact that a helper has topg as title says enough right? XD