Recent content by Dipsy

  1. Dipsy

    Reset? :D

    woah, would've been nice to be abled to join the discord lol. Thanks for telling!
  2. Dipsy

    Reset? :D

    We need a kingdoms reset. There are currently 3 people online. We dont need new features (although it would be nice), just a refreshng new map to get everyone playing again. Just think about how much people have enjoyed every reset so far. Enough said. ~Dipsy
  3. Dipsy

    Kingdom sucks, here is why.

  4. Dipsy

    Kingdom server

    big fan of the shield part, with right perportions it could work
  5. Dipsy

    Kingdom server

    so you have been one-tapped in max gear? but the only thing they had to do was hit you from the back and jump?
  6. Dipsy

    Kingdom server

    Agree, i dont see what the point is in the gamemode kingdom is today. here is a list of things i think should be changed -out of 40 player 3 are currently in olympus (also people who dont have a base there). 2 worlds is not fun, the game does't have a kingdom purpose becuase of it (and all...
  7. Dipsy

    Nerf the Miner job

    Well it shouldnt be 10x as much , i know that 100% certain , i have a screenshot of Cloak saying its fixed when its about 1.5x the amount Its also not mentioned on the website so why wouldnt they advertise this if its the most op feature
  8. Dipsy

    Nerf the Miner job

    I dont think money from spawners will be disabled forever , i made a bug report becuase my higher rank friends get 10x as much money from killing mobs, and i know they couldnt fix it right away so i think they disabled it for now. people with a higher rank still get 10x money on every job so i...
  9. Dipsy

    Kingdoms Reset (September) - A battle for land might and glory!

    Finally , it did need a reset so im glad it is finally the time. my Faction OG'S coming back?
  10. Dipsy

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

    Your opinion does matter , everyone has got a opinion of this wether its good or bad . You can still think about the thread so when you tske time to read it you have a opinion that counts ig.
  11. Dipsy

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

    True , skyblock definetly took some players away
  12. Dipsy

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

  13. Dipsy

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

    Hoeveel ? Miss haalt dat ze over
  14. Dipsy

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

    Thank you very much :)
  15. Dipsy

    new Kingdoms ( please read )

    Ive noticed in the poll i said geen reset , this is dutch ( it means no reset )