abbyninjamonkey Feb 2, 2017 When you have glasses and you can see fine out of them but they are dirty as hack
abbyninjamonkey Jan 19, 2017 When you get a email evertime a youtuber your subscription to upload a video
Derms Jan 6, 2017 My school got cancelled today because it was -20 degrees Fahrenheit and the buses wouldn't start
abbyninjamonkey Jan 6, 2017 When you have to go to the bus stop and stay out there for 2 min and it 7 degree in f i don't know how to spell it
When you have to go to the bus stop and stay out there for 2 min and it 7 degree in f i don't know how to spell it
abbyninjamonkey Dec 20, 2016 When you can't change your minecraft skin because it ask you a question like what your favorite but forgot the answer
When you can't change your minecraft skin because it ask you a question like what your favorite but forgot the answer
abbyninjamonkey Nov 21, 2016 hey red of you me and hobo on then tall hem to help me in hes nether pothed i can't tper becaser of that
hey red of you me and hobo on then tall hem to help me in hes nether pothed i can't tper becaser of that
abbyninjamonkey Nov 20, 2016 guys if I on and jnocero on then don't say I an on or well she go abosl mad