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  • Yall bullying the furry, but let him be himself
    I'm not angry to be honest. I've been talking normally this entire time.
    I never said you weren't mature either. I also work full time as a digital artist so I have a job, or else I wouldn't have Internet.

    Vlastyz, you're a good person at heart and I was never once angry at you in this conversation.
    The reason I entered this conversation in the first place is because you are CYBERBULLYING someone.
    calling him a furry as a joke, and him taking it seriously is not cyberbullying. using harsh words repeatedly may be cyberbullying, but a simple word such as 'furry' is not. He never asked us to stop, so that is also not considered bullying
    When several people keep spamming it in your direction it can be classed as bullying. You're surrounding a person with harsh words telling them to leave and go away. That is definitely not a joke to someone who is experiencing that.
    He also never asked you to stop because he doesn't want to interfere and be around it anymore.
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