Toasted, I believed we were friends.
Let me guess- you think furries are the stereotypes which the media portrayed us as badly YEARS ago.
I’m not too bothered myself to be honest, people find something in everything to hate upon.
@Vlastyz I'm not even friends with him. He's just in the same server as me, e.g. team.
Also to be honest, I'm a mature adult and dealt with hate throughout my life so none of this affects me. Have fun.
@Vlastyz You're 15. You're not a legal adult till you're out of your 'teens'.
I've been told by members of staff that you're immature so there we go.
Do you actually think I try to be mature or civil over a minecraft server that can barely get 250 players and cant fix the easiest bugs known to man? I can easily be kind and respect "adults" if I cared enough on a minecaft server, but I choose not to because I'd much rather make people like you get angry for no reason, which amuses me. Please get out of here, nobody even knows you, nor cares what you have to say.
And the fact that you come on to a minecraft server and try to talk to a 15 year old about "maturity" shows a lot about you. Age 23 trying to prove points to teens on an MC server. Go outside and get a job instead of wasting time talking when nobody gives a damn about your opinion. Also, you should probably upgrade the glasses in your profile picture. Those are very low-class.
Let me guess- you think furries are the stereotypes which the media portrayed us as badly YEARS ago.
I’m not too bothered myself to be honest, people find something in everything to hate upon.
Also, lurio isn’t a furry anyway.