Who is Hijacking?

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New Member
Jul 23, 2019
Hello foxes, after being around for a few weeks on Foxcraft, I thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Danny, otherwise known as Hijacking. I develop software for large servers, with not only the consumer in mind, but the players too! I work with both the owner, and players to make the gamemode(s) the best they can possibly be to increase player retention, and satisfaction.

I'm going to be working very closely with @cloakfox to bring the server back to it's former glory, decrease lag, and introduce new features.

What have I done so far?
So far, on Foxcraft I have introduced a modular system called Pegasus*, more on that below. This type of software is exclusive to specific servers that me, and my team choose. This will make feature deployment happen on a new level.

What do you have planned for the future of Foxcraft?
The future of Foxcraft is something no one can estimate, but now we have a dedicated software company willing to work endless hours, fix all bugs, introduce new ways of working the one thing I'm sure of is that things will be much more formatted, and will have no 'can't do' challenges. Personally I've never faced something I've not been able to do. I always push Minecraft to it's boundaries, so lets do it together!

We have developed this new system with 3 main features in mind,
Maintainability - If you split up your program into different, isolated modules, the different functions of the programs will not be grouped together and it is much easier to be able to identify the sections of code relating to the function you are looking for.
Substitutability - Modules can be easily substituted for something else without other modules in the program being affected as there is less dependence between the features that are not directly related.
Encapsulation - In a non-modular program, the different features may depend on other features' implementation details, whereas in Modular programming, the different modules hide their implementation details from each other in order to have a high substitutability.

Danny, CEO of Crypti Technologies, LLC (c) 2015 - 2019​
Hello foxes, after being around for a few weeks on Foxcraft, I thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Danny, otherwise known as Hijacking. I develop software for large servers, with not only the consumer in mind, but the players too! I work with both the owner, and players to make the gamemode(s) the best they can possibly be to increase player retention, and satisfaction.

I'm going to be working very closely with @cloakfox to bring the server back to it's former glory, decrease lag, and introduce new features.

What have I done so far?
So far, on Foxcraft I have introduced a modular system called Pegasus*, more on that below. This type of software is exclusive to specific servers that me, and my team choose. This will make feature deployment happen on a new level.

What do you have planned for the future of Foxcraft?
The future of Foxcraft is something no one can estimate, but now we have a dedicated software company willing to work endless hours, fix all bugs, introduce new ways of working the one thing I'm sure of is that things will be much more formatted, and will have no 'can't do' challenges. Personally I've never faced something I've not been able to do. I always push Minecraft to it's boundaries, so lets do it together!

We have developed this new system with 3 main features in mind,
Maintainability - If you split up your program into different, isolated modules, the different functions of the programs will not be grouped together and it is much easier to be able to identify the sections of code relating to the function you are looking for.
Substitutability - Modules can be easily substituted for something else without other modules in the program being affected as there is less dependence between the features that are not directly related.
Encapsulation - In a non-modular program, the different features may depend on other features' implementation details, whereas in Modular programming, the different modules hide their implementation details from each other in order to have a high substitutability.

Danny, CEO of Crypti Technologies, LLC (c) 2015 - 2019​
Young man, remove mcmmo and eu players and I will gladly welcome you!
Hello foxes, after being around for a few weeks on Foxcraft, I thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Danny, otherwise known as Hijacking. I develop software for large servers, with not only the consumer in mind, but the players too! I work with both the owner, and players to make the gamemode(s) the best they can possibly be to increase player retention, and satisfaction.

I'm going to be working very closely with @cloakfox to bring the server back to it's former glory, decrease lag, and introduce new features.

What have I done so far?
So far, on Foxcraft I have introduced a modular system called Pegasus*, more on that below. This type of software is exclusive to specific servers that me, and my team choose. This will make feature deployment happen on a new level.

What do you have planned for the future of Foxcraft?
The future of Foxcraft is something no one can estimate, but now we have a dedicated software company willing to work endless hours, fix all bugs, introduce new ways of working the one thing I'm sure of is that things will be much more formatted, and will have no 'can't do' challenges. Personally I've never faced something I've not been able to do. I always push Minecraft to it's boundaries, so lets do it together!

We have developed this new system with 3 main features in mind,
Maintainability - If you split up your program into different, isolated modules, the different functions of the programs will not be grouped together and it is much easier to be able to identify the sections of code relating to the function you are looking for.
Substitutability - Modules can be easily substituted for something else without other modules in the program being affected as there is less dependence between the features that are not directly related.
Encapsulation - In a non-modular program, the different features may depend on other features' implementation details, whereas in Modular programming, the different modules hide their implementation details from each other in order to have a high substitutability.

Danny, CEO of Crypti Technologies, LLC (c) 2015 - 2019​
Nice to meet you, Danny.
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