Money Supply

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Mar 13, 2016
After seeing the high prices in auction (Dirt for 1 million etc.) we found out that some people who have a lot of money buy these stuff and ruin the whole game mechanic, making new players rich. After consulting with many people who control the money supply with their grinders in survival, we decided to impose sanctions on those individuals who harm the structure by putting expensive stuff on auction. From now on, we will sell cheap stuff on /ah to keep the prices in check and we will never buy anything that is slightly overpriced. We will not earn money from grinders and we will keep our money balanced to fix the current problem. We have decided to spend our money and decrease it into a minimum by buying stuff from /shop only. There will not be a huge flow of money into the server from now on. Legion, VP and other great teams have issues warnings to their member to stop the flow of money.

The following players will not recieve any money from us for the time being;
- The_Gamer2008
- ZackDoesThings
- The_Demon2005
- PepperfrridgeFarm
- Shubby_Turtle
- forestshooter

Anyone who messes up auction and the game mechanic will be added immediately, this message was posted into discord servers of the teams who participate.

Those randos who have millions by duping will slowly lose their money.
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I would agree but it seems like it won't happen, unfortunately its not a popular demand. This is the only thing that we could agree upon. I'm totally for the end of the whole money thing but it wont happen.
Before this thing people would earn moderate amounts of money with jobs and selling stuff, it was a good time. Now people stay afk for 1 hour and get half a million like wtf is this survival. They just buy blocks from shop, fly and build. No effort whatsoever. Just like skyblock. This is a long overdue conversation that I keep up bringing but nothing happens.
We must lead to a sustainable economic system through our actions. We must restore the auction house price balance and end rampant inflation in the server's economy.
lol, should start a money-destruction program. All major teams should partake in it, to lower the amount of money-flow.
Reset survival, there are no places to claim anymore and honestly grinding is fun. Please
you guys are so bad pls just reset
this will be more fun for everyone
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