Minecraft Error Message

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Mar 7, 2016
Hey guys, so I've been having some trouble with my computer lately (it just over all being slow and freezing randomly when I run anything), but on the slim occasion that I am able to open up minecraft, I get this error message: https://gyazo.com/7c4370566d38ab22bcbbc6fb296187df I was wondering if anyone knew why I get this message or a possible solution to it. I don't get this message when I try to run 1.9, but the reason i want to use 1.8.9 is because my computer freezes randomly when I use 1.9. I'm probably going to have to end up getting my Mac wiped or buy a new one because it's just been really shitty lately, but if there is any solution to the error message please tell me <3
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Happened to me before try reinstalling, logging in and out. If that doesn't work try using the magic launcher instead.
I have had similar experiences, resetting it will definitely be your best option if what __Diabolical__ wrote doesn't work out for you.
Happened to me before try reinstalling, logging in and out. If that doesn't work try using the magic launcher instead.
Already re-installed like 5 times, but didn't work. I'll see if my computer will be able to get magic launcher later, thanks for the feedback.
I have had similar experiences, resetting it will definitely be your best option if what __Diabolical__ wrote doesn't work out for you.
I've already restarted my computer like 50 times lol and deleted and re-downloaded minecraft a number of times as well, but thanks for the feedback as well.
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