How to make good money In Survival (And also have fun)

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Dedicated Member
Jul 23, 2017
Hi everyone,

I’m here to be honest and helpful with all of you minecrafters that are struggling to make money. (And wondering how I got to 47.5 million)

For one, with great power comes with great responsibility.
If you are one of the richest players on the server you should definitely give back to smaller players that don’t have a lot of money. I have no problem with buying things for other players or helping them fix their griefed base with my own money.

It’s the right thing to do and since survival is a friendly server, it helps to bring the community together.

Now onto the lesson:

:mc_354-0: Be a hoarder. I’ve made a big chunk of my money by selling things that I’ve bought from other players. I hold on to anything, maps, books, armor, tools ANYTHING. I’ve been holding onto Useless spawners like spiders that people have put in the auction. Eventually I’ll just sell them back for more and someone always buy them.

:mc_354-0: Be a nice person. A lot of people think I’m toxic, and I have a lot of toxic ways but I’m trying to be a changed bear this summer......
Anyway, people of given me millions for no reason they want to see me get to 10 million on Bal top so they give me $1 million They want to see me get to 20 million on Bal top so they give me 3 million.
People have given me beacons for free as well.
Not even to mention the countless people that have quit survival and have given me their stuff. I just got a base the other day with five beacons three Creeper spawners a couple blazes and I’m just going to keep that stuff until I eventually sell it.

:mc_354-0: Get jobs that you’ll actually use.
Jobs is an important plug-in. And I’ve made millions of the jobs plug in a lone. It took me years to get to where I am. It took me years to get to where I am.. mostly because I wasn’t using the job plugin right. Jobs like wood cutter Jobs like wood cutter and crafter... aren’t going to make you much money If don’t actively do these things.

Jobs that are useful would be:
Hunter. Builder, Miner, Digger

I would say that hunter is the best job to have, hands down.

:mc_354-0:You can make millions off spawners. Some spawners are useless, I’d stay away from them if you're Interested in making money. Avoid spiders and silverfish.
They aren’t very useful and you can’t make much money from them unless you sell silverfish for the rarity and use spider string for wool. Everyone has their own way of how they use their spawners effectively. Ask around, someone will tell you it’s no secret.

:mc_354-0: Have an Alt.
Lots of players have Alts, some have more than one. I wouldn’t recommend having more than one.

:mc_354-0:Use the Auction to sell custom armor and tools.
Making armor or tools with cute and interesting names I’ll always buy. And a lot of others will buy as well for the fun of it. Making things like :mc_357-0::mc_354-0:s will always go fast. Also making shields and banners with cool patterns will sell fast too.

:mc_354-0: Doing jobs for other players. I’ve literally made millions from building for other players, placing grass, building a roof, breaking spawners in a mine shaft... literally anything.

:mc_354-0: At the end of the day, money isn’t everything. I’ve been playing this server for years and it’s taken me years to do all of these things I would say this year is the only year that I realized I was trying to make money the wrong way. I was constantly buying things from the shop to build and was like running low on money constantly. Then I started building for others and got enough money to not worry about it. Lots of hours of me hustling got me to where I am.

Anyway, I hope this helps. And feel free to bash me in the comments or give your own suggestions!
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lmao smudge and super hands tips
- dupe items, instant 10000000 beacons
- pillage
- join empire

hope this helpd pfahahaha
Yes, you can make 23k in 10 minutes killing blazes if you are in the hunters job, I took the time with my phone to see how much you get in 10 minutes with spawners and killing blazes gives you over 23k beside joining the other 2 jobs as a member, miner and builder is a great combo. Now if you get animal spawners as Tyler said is great way also but it is better if you have an alt, if you don't have an alt you can just go to sleep and let your account online xd I also tried that.
Also if you get ranks you can get more jobs and more money, actually as a FoxKing I have 12 jobs and I am getting money for a lot of things also for walking xd
haven’t played in a bit but elytra flight with the explorer job can make you a lot of money pretty fast and you can be basically afk while doing it. Fun bonus of exploring the map
haven’t played in a bit but elytra flight with the explorer job can make you a lot of money pretty fast and you can be basically afk while doing it. Fun bonus of exploring the map
Unfortunately last I checked elytra flying doesn't level up your exploring anymore. :(
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