I have a few..... I'll say them.....Yeah, title says it all. What's your favorite minecraft memory?
Survival back in 2013 when spawn was just this square box and with ''Budderminner'' camping at spawn with strength2 pots killing anybody in his path. When I finnaly got out of the spawn area, I travelled until the 20k coords or so and build my ''hidden'' base under a tree. I invited this new player to come along and base with me called ''monneymonkey''. We based together for all of survival and build all kinds of farms and other builds. One day him or I tp'd @Ksmudger and @Clint2001 to this base. I tp'd another guy to our base for no reason named ''momochecker12''. I logged off and the next day I logged on I was raided. Monneymonkey and I decided to build a new base far out. We travelled for days maybe weeks until we hit over 100k coords and build our base ontop of this ''ExtremeHills island'' Here is where most memories lies, we had an gigantic potato farm just for memes and also a beacon which we where both really proud of. But all things come to an end, and monneymonkey left as we lost contact. FYeah, title says it all. What's your favorite minecraft memory?
Budderminner was the guy who enchanted my sword, and who I was teamed with when I got my first iron set, and killed people at spawn in the fortSurvival back in 2013 when spawn was just this square box and with ''Budderminner'' camping at spawn with strength2 pots killing anybody in his path. When I finnaly got out of the spawn area, I travelled until the 20k coords or so and build my ''hidden'' base under a tree. I invited this new player to come along and base with me called ''monneymonkey''. We based together for all of survival and build all kinds of farms and other builds. One day him or I tp'd @Ksmudger and @Clint2001 to this base. I tp'd another guy to our base for no reason named ''momochecker12''. I logged off and the next day I logged on I was raided. Monneymonkey and I decided to build a new base far out. We travelled for days maybe weeks until we hit over 100k coords and build our base ontop of this ''ExtremeHills island'' Here is where most memories lies, we had an gigantic potato farm just for memes and also a beacon which we where both really proud of. But all things come to an end, and monneymonkey left as we lost contact. F
The 2014 - 2016 skyblock/factions era for sure. Played a lot of factions around the ''Desecrator era'' so much fun going up agains bigboyryan and all those other hacking goons. I remeber building a base with 'kingminecraft612' or whatever his name was. We had it all, an OP pigman grinder, a small but good IG farm and a wicked enderman farm which made me challenge players at the top of /baltop. We shared a OP vault which was unraidable at the time not even with creeper eggs. Sadly I let it get claimed by @MasterSniper and almost 1 week later it was raided (how convient xd). I quit factions until the next reset, but it had never the same feeling as before. So I moved on to skyblock.
Skyblock was so much fun, it's here where I met most of my minecraft friends and started getting into skyping people. I remember having this group chat which I spend countless hours in just talking to eachother and having so much fun on this game (I could name them all, but they know who they are). I had this island which I was really proud of until I got tp'd to @jayxkrazies and @jaycarp2's island. I looked my eyes out on this island as I was speechless since they had everything I had but better and much larger. They invited me to their island and without hesitating I joined. I didn't do much since I was scared of ruining their well constructed island. They didn't really mind me not doing much and I just helped with their projects which was fun.
I have many more memories, but these are the greatest memories I have in my 6years on this game.
k bai
I still hate those moments to this day.Budderminner was the guy who enchanted my sword, and who I was teamed with when I got my first iron set, and killed people at spawn in the fort
RandomOne memory I'll never forgot is a few years ago when this streamer went into the pvp zone in skyblock with 2 of the best keys because he thought it was parkour and got instantly dropped. Also me winning those keys in a pvp free for all tournament.
danny black ( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)desecrator was lit. i miss all my faction friends. my base on survival was the bomb with that daniel kid (forget his username)