To my next girlfriend

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Apr 2, 2017
To my next girlfriend
Hi. I dont eat pickles and I dont eat pork, I think you're one of the most beautiful girls i ever talked to. Im an artist, and a helpless romantic. I spend most of my days in my head over analyzing almost everything. I know im weird, im learning to love that abt myself. I got a big *** head, and uh a big *** heart. Im a people person, Im trying to understand how im such a contradiction, but maybe youll learn to love this in the same way Im learning to love myself and in the topic of love, if we're gonna be together. I want you to understand that this relationship isnt gonna start, and emotions. Id like it to start as a decision, i need you to decide to love me in the same way that someone decides to go to work everyday. I need you to understand that change is going to happen, we're going to change as people. this relationship may not end at all, but if it ends. It will end in change, we're not going to leave this the same people that we came. I need you to be open and to change in the same way that i need to be open to this change. I need you to be understanding, because some days idk myself. So i know ill be hard to recognize.

lol, fk u too bad. Gl getting a girlfriend who isn't a Saudi who lives in a desert lol Fkin hell youll always be alone will send 100 mill foreign aid lol Saudi arabia girls are all the same cry som more lol plssssss
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