❤️ My Real Introduction ❤️

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Jun 16, 2016
Hey lovelies, first of all if you are new to the forums: Welcome! If you’re a returning player and forums user: Welcome back! I’ve decided to create an introductory thread to hopefully give you all a little more insight on who I am!.

Not quite sure on exactly how to do this, but worth a shot!

Basic Information:

What is your name?
My name is Emily, but many people call me Em!

How old are you?
I am currently 18 years of age, and in college .

Where are you from?
I live in London due to my mum’s job, and I have lived here for five years.

Older brother, he’s pretty cool.

One cat and a beta fish who hates me! Tiger is an orange tabby boy, and my fish is blue and green and doesn’t have a name.Tiger was rescued and adopted.


Short Information:

Do you have friends?
No. Jokes, I have some pretty great friends who I love very much. Anywho, I’m open to making new friends and chatting with people from all over the world so feel free to message me on the forums whenever!

I love singing, I sing a lot. Can't stop won't stop. Singing is something I love dearly, and probably won't ever stop loving.Talking is something I do a lot, I've embraced it. Might not be a hobby, but hey.



Favourite colour?
Yellow and Red. Yellow makes me happy, and yellow is also a bright colour, which can be interpreted as energetic, happy, joyful and enthusiastic.

Favourite flower?
Sunflowers, roses, tulips, and any wildflowers. I love flowers as you can probably already tell, I always have a vase of flowers either in my room or somewhere in the house.

Favourite genre of music?
2000’s Pop

Favourite fruit?
Peaches, plums, lemons, cherries, papaya, strawberries, grapefruit, raspberries and passion fruit! Also, yes. I added lemons. I enjoy lemon slices, because I enjoy sour things and lemons happen to be one of them! If someone cuts up a lemon into slices, yes I will attempt to eat them.

Favourite sport?
I’m a very sporty girl. I enjoy football (soccer), volleyball, swimming, dance, track and field as well.I currently participate in volleyball, football and track at my college. I am able to manage my time across all these sports - do not worry!


hope you enjoyed reading this and hopefully that helped you get to know a little more about me. Whether you read this or not, feel free to private message me here on the forums if you’d like assistance on the server or just for a simple chat!​
American plug sockets.jpeg

"I live in London due to my mum’s job, and I have lived here for five years."






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Hey lovelies, first of all if you are new to the forums: Welcome! If you’re a returning player and forums user: Welcome back! I’ve decided to create an introductory thread to hopefully give you all a little more insight on who I am!.

Not quite sure on exactly how to do this, but worth a shot!

Basic Information:

What is your name?
My name is Emily, but many people call me Em!

How old are you?
I am currently 18 years of age, and in college .

Where are you from?
I live in London due to my mum’s job, and I have lived here for five years.

Older brother, he’s pretty cool.

One cat and a beta fish who hates me! Tiger is an orange tabby boy, and my fish is blue and green and doesn’t have a name.Tiger was rescued and adopted.


Short Information:

Do you have friends?
No. Jokes, I have some pretty great friends who I love very much. Anywho, I’m open to making new friends and chatting with people from all over the world so feel free to message me on the forums whenever!

I love singing, I sing a lot. Can't stop won't stop. Singing is something I love dearly, and probably won't ever stop loving.Talking is something I do a lot, I've embraced it. Might not be a hobby, but hey.



Favourite colour?
Yellow and Red. Yellow makes me happy, and yellow is also a bright colour, which can be interpreted as energetic, happy, joyful and enthusiastic.

Favourite flower?
Sunflowers, roses, tulips, and any wildflowers. I love flowers as you can probably already tell, I always have a vase of flowers either in my room or somewhere in the house.

Favourite genre of music?
2000’s Pop

Favourite fruit?
Peaches, plums, lemons, cherries, papaya, strawberries, grapefruit, raspberries and passion fruit! Also, yes. I added lemons. I enjoy lemon slices, because I enjoy sour things and lemons happen to be one of them! If someone cuts up a lemon into slices, yes I will attempt to eat them.

Favourite sport?
I’m a very sporty girl. I enjoy football (soccer), volleyball, swimming, dance, track and field as well.I currently participate in volleyball, football and track at my college. I am able to manage my time across all these sports - do not worry!


hope you enjoyed reading this and hopefully that helped you get to know a little more about me. Whether you read this or not, feel free to private message me here on the forums if you’d like assistance on the server or just for a simple chat!​
Are you sure those plugs are in the UK, lol. If this isn't fake welcome lol
who ever threw that paper. ur moms a ho
why did ur son have to throw that gOD DAMN PEPER
p.s this is ur introduction hunny not a date save that extra fav food and fav color sheets for later

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