Goodbye for a while.

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Jul 20, 2017
To begin with this goodbye, please note two things:
[1] This is not a goodbye forever. I won't be active. But I'd like to think I won't be gone forever and will pop on from time to time.
[2] This goodbye is NOT a result of my demotion.

Okay, so first and foremost, I would like to thank both @cloakfox and @iBrady for creating a fun experience for me as a player. It's kept me busy for the 11 months I've been a member on Foxcraft due to the fun I've had. I've wanted to quit multiple times, and I feel like their input on this server has been incredible. I would like to thank @Justinc2522 for accepting me as Staff. Yes, I left the team on rather ignominious terms, but the chance to have proven many people wrong in my time as a Helper has been great. I would also like to thank @Tqzz for being a quite frankly amazing friend, and mentor to me, you taught me a lot despite not being on as actively as before. And laughed at the fact I couldn't see my own Helper tag, cause it was green and sh*t.

Quite frankly, I'm 18. I'm in college, and whilst as Helper, I'd focus far FAR too much on Foxcraft and Minecraft. If I have to be honest, Minecraft is really boring, and it's a game that won't take me anywhere in my life, it's simply just given me something to do for 11 months, but really, I need to focus on my life. See, I make music, and my nearly 2 months of being Helper [and the 11 months on Fox] has been yes, fun, but that's it. It's taken me away from writing music, producing music and it's given me this greed for a computer that was initially intended for my sisters. There are other reasons to, such as my mental instability getting the best of me, a feeling of necessity for alcohol to help me get through some days, and a severe lack of focus, or care for college work.

I love Foxcraft, really I do. I loved it before being Helper, I love it after being demoted as Helper. But for me, the time is over for now. I want to focus more on my life instead of a stupid game. Some individual thank you's:

@Vcqce - Thanks Strafey for providing me the knowledge of givin' the e-hoes L's all the time. Keep in contact because you're a right lad. Maybe I'll get Fortnite and we can game together.

@Yoahi - Thank you Owen for not beating me for a while. I'll be coming round to the Cave to snack on some salmon. Obviously stay in contact cause you're my dad ya son of a *****!

@__qizz - Thanks Jordy for being awesome as a friend, you've were incredibly supportive to me as Helper and you've been there for me a lot.

@Jaimy_Eijk03 - Thanks Jaimy for being an awesome friend to me, you've always been someone I can laugh with.

@Tqzz - tagged twice cause ily and WELKOM OP DE FORUMS AND WELKOM OP DE SERVER

@Baerified - Even though you're a fake Yoahi, you're still one of the best people I talk to. If I come back and you're demoted, I'm kicking your a** boy.

@Ksmudger - You were always a lad to me, and hell, we've had some good times. I dunno if you wanna stay in contact, but lets hope you do. Keep filling me in with how far this place falls.

@_Super_Hans_ - You're the best Emperor I could've asked for. Hail Ares. Also stay in contact cause your memes are top quality stuff. Please can you post the meme of me with the dog filter?

@every dutch kid who spoke dutch to me - Thanks for speaking to me in a language I didn't get even though I said ''Ik ben niet NL'' and ''Ik ben Engels'' <3

Alright, there's a lot of people I've tagged. A lot more I haven't. But like, if you reply, I'll definitely give you a heartfelt message. It's been a pleasure Foxcraft, but it's time I start living the life I've been given, yeah?

I'll catch you in a bit
- Jake // oJqcob // JayJayMorley
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heyy jake.
well said!
good luck whit your music and you were a good staff member and good luck whit your study !

- __qizz / jordy
Hi Jake,
You are a good helper. I'm sorry for talking **** to you, we might never see you again in the server so have a good life.
Nuuuu, Jake we appreciate your time and your dedication as staff, dont leave me here xD, if you need help with anything hmu ofc ya boi is still here, but its a good move to leave this server, as it is a waste of time playing on here, Best of luck in the future. Stay in touch xD :p:cool::):(

maybe my last L's to you

@oJqcob my favorite son, We've had a lot of ups and downs in our time as a family but I'm still happy to say I'm proud of you son. I always wanted you to grow up to be a picnic basket thief, but staff on Foxcraft worked too. I'll be honest, not beating you was the most difficult thing of my life, there were times I just wanted to grind your face into the concrete, but I guess that's what love does? Prevents you from doing that? Come by the cave every once in a while, you're always welcomed!

Aw Jake, It's been fun tutoring you! You've always got something funny to say, whenever i'm in a call with you it'd just be loads of jokes. You sometimes bully me but i get you back twice as much XD
It's good that you are now focusing on Irl things instead of this, you've got alot of potential. There's been times where i really want to slap you, and others where i'm just dying of laughter.. well "WELCOM OP DE SERVER"
I'm still laughing at the helper tag thing.. oh god xd

Anyways! Hope life treats you well and if you ever need to talk, ya know where i am

Goodbye, JayJayMorley, I have been on this server for about 4-5 years now and out of all of those staff i've seen for the entire time on Foxcraft that were completely friendly was you and Tazz. I hope you enjoy college and live the life you wanted! Good luck out there and I will see ya' soon buddy.

Iownu17, to Jake
Sad to see you go Jake we had alot of great times together, i wish you the best of luck in college and i hope we can play again sometimes. <3
Goodbye, JayJayMorley, I have been on this server for about 4-5 years now and out of all of those staff i've seen for the entire time on Foxcraft that were completely friendly was you and Tazz. I hope you enjoy college and live the life you wanted! Good luck out there and I will see ya' soon buddy.

Iownu17, to Jake
It’s funny he actually has been on here for 4-5 years, and bye who ever made this “I’m quitting thread”
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