Youtube rank application for SURVIVAL (jojo1107)

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Apr 3, 2016
your moms kitchen
Hello. my username is jojo1107 and I would like to apply for the youtube rank on survival. I have 450 subs and most of my Foxcraft videos have 20+ likes and around 90 views. some have even 100. not more than five have 100+ views but if I make a video of YT rank OR when I have YT rank I'll probs get more views. If I get youtube rank and in the next 1 and a half months, if I don't meet the requirements. U may take it away. Also, the survival players might ask for my YT and they will watch the vids for 100+ views. Plz give me a chance <3 I'm very active. Also I have 450 subs. Melaniee
  • You have posted at least 5 videos on YouTube of you playing on Foxcraft, with the IP in the description (new videos only, not older than 3 months old). ----- (7 videos, less than 1 month)
  • You must get more than 100+ views per video (this may change anytime). ------ (some of the videos I have of fox craft have over 100 views and 20 likes. not more than five do but if I make a video of YT rank OR when I have YT rank I'll probs get more views. If I get youtube rank and in the next 1 and a half months, if I don't meet the requirements. U may take it away. Also, the survival players might ask for my YT and they will watch the vids for 100+ views. Plz give me a chance <3 I'm very active. Also I have 450 subs)
  • Subscribers are not that important to use. ---- (still, I have 450 xD)
I'm a good youtuber
with quality content
record 4/5 vids a week
wants 500 subs
plays Foxcraft a lot
donator on PRISON
I'll be so happy
I love Foxcraft
it's the first server I have ever played.
Pls wish me luck
love u staff


Last edited:
Hello. my username is jojo1107 and I would like to apply for the youtube rank on survival. I have 450 subs and most of my Foxcraft videos have 20+ likes and around 90 views. some have even 100. not more than five have 100+ views but if I make a video of YT rank OR when I have YT rank I'll probs get more views. If I get youtube rank and in the next 1 and a half months, if I don't meet the requirements. U may take it away. Also, the survival players might ask for my YT and they will watch the vids for 100+ views. Plz give me a chance <3 I'm very active. Also I have 450 subs. Melaniee
  • You have posted at least 5 videos on YouTube of you playing on Foxcraft, with the IP in the description (new videos only, not older than 3 months old). ----- (7 videos, less than 1 month)
  • You must get more than 100+ views per video (this may change anytime). ------ (some of the videos I have of fox craft have over 100 views and 20 likes. not more than five do but if I make a video of YT rank OR when I have YT rank I'll probs get more views. If I get youtube rank and in the next 1 and a half months, if I don't meet the requirements. U may take it away. Also, the survival players might ask for my YT and they will watch the vids for 100+ views. Plz give me a chance <3 I'm very active. Also I have 450 subs)
  • Subscribers are not that important to use. ---- (still, I have 450 xD)
I'm a good youtuber
with quality content
record 4/5 vids a week
wants 500 subs
plays Foxcraft a lot
donator on PRISON
I'll be so happy
I love Foxcraft
it's the first server I have ever played.
Pls wish me luck
love u staff


Youtuber rank is a global rank, You won't just have it on the survival server. Goodluck man :)
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