Support Tickets & Staff Applications!

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Sep 23, 2017
Support Tickets & Staff Applications!

Some of you may have noticed but we are now using 'Support Tickets'. You can find the Support Tickets in the navigation bar.

What are Support Tickets?
Support Tickets are just the same as they were on the Forums section. But, this will be stored in the same spot, categorized, easier to manage and faster handling time.

Staff Applications
There is a Staff Application category on the Support Tickets page, this is the place where you can apply for helper. Do not forget to read everything (here) before sending an apply.

Also Staff Applications are from now on permanently open. Good luck with your application!

You can click here to redirect to the Support Tickets page.

Some of you may have noticed but we are now using 'Support Tickets'. You can find the Support Tickets in the navigation bar.

What are Support Tickets?
Support Tickets are just the same as they were on the Forums section. But, this will be stored in the same spot, categorized, easier to manage and faster handling time.

Staff Applications
There is a Staff Application category on the Support Tickets page, this is the place where you can apply for helper. Do not forget to read everything (here) before sending an apply.

Also Staff Applications are from now on permanently open. Good luck with your application!

You can click here to redirect to the Support Tickets page.

See you next helper apps.
That will now be a forgotten statement because Helper apps are permanently open...
Some of you may have noticed but we are now using 'Support Tickets'. You can find the Support Tickets in the navigation bar.

What are Support Tickets?
Support Tickets are just the same as they were on the Forums section. But, this will be stored in the same spot, categorized, easier to manage and faster handling time.

Staff Applications
There is a Staff Application category on the Support Tickets page, this is the place where you can apply for helper. Do not forget to read everything (here) before sending an apply.

Also Staff Applications are from now on permanently open. Good luck with your application!

You can click here to redirect to the Support Tickets page.

see you all next helper apps wait uhhm just aplly rn xD
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