Well boys, I have some news.

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You were 1 of the best staff members on Foxcraft and I will never forget you oh no :(
I wish you all the best in the future
Total respect to you, I know we haven't gotten along too well, but good luck in enlisting into the Military and with your educational stuff. See you around
Honestly made me cry man ;-;
Whyyyy ;-;
Total respect to you, I know we haven't gotten along too well, but good luck in enlisting into the Military and with your educational stuff. See you around
Much love <3
You were 1 of the best staff members on Foxcraft and I will never forget you oh no :(
I wish you all the best in the future
Thank you man c: I appreciate it. Good luck to you too, You better get promoted soon :P
I refuse to let this happen @Ronster_ delete this k thx
I had so much fun working with you! Thank you for everything you've done and you will be missed! :'(
Good luck with life and hope to see you around in the future
Thank you! good luck to you too!
Good luck, hope you have a great future.
Thank you and the same to you!
Well, I was hoping this day wouldn’t come. IGS been great being close to you and working with you professionally and personally. Good luck with life my dude you’ll do great in the military. You better still come on to visit ;)
You've honestly been a brother to me man, Definitely stay in contact with me<3 love ya man.
No dad noooooooooo :( goodluck with school and do not forget me :( Hope to speak to you sometimes :(

Bye dad :( <3
I love you son. I'll never forget you <3
Good luck with life ;)
Thank you, you too <3
It was nice knowing you Owen, From when i met you in 2015 briefly through Brittany, then we didn't talk for a year or so, then we became good friends and yeh the cringe part which we both don't wanna mention (ew). Despite our arguments and disagreements, you've been a great help to the staff team and I hope to keep in touch somehow!

Good Luck with school stuff and Army things

Tqzz <3
Yeah, let's forget that cringe :P Thank you, Taryn. You were always someone I loved talking to and messing around with <3
lol ur going nowhere ur staying as staff u cant leave ur trapped
Honestly man, I need to say thank you to you time after time again. You really were one of my main inspirations to becoming a staff and I was so scared of you at first as a helper, but then I realized you're a softy <3 Thank you for everything, 22Reebok.
Owen I know you and me had our differences but I wanna thank you for being there I guess.

You were a good admin, and it's good to see that this focus on your life is being seriously worked on because you deserve it man. No matter what we've said to, or about one another, I wanna just say that you've been a great pal to me and well, again, thanks. Good luck in the future, man.

Oh, and follow me back on the forums nerd. @Yoahi

As you would say, have a good one.
Things definitely didn't go as well as they could've, but hey things change. Maybe we can be pals again sometime :P Good luck to you too bro <3
You were a great staff member, Good luck with everything in life!:)
Thank you, Mel. I wish the best of luck to you too!
lol noob, demoted ez
go mute me again dumbo, oh wait, you cant. Nice rank lul
-10 IQ

Jk, i luv u Mr. Bear. I know we had our fights here and then, but it was all fun and games( I hope). I will miss you even though i dont play fox. I honestly hope you have a great future and you become successful.

P.S. Stick to black bears like yourself, those brown mama bears are feisty:D
I can't remember a time I've met you in-game but I always love seeing you on the forums. It means a lot man, I hope you're successful too :P Oh and what can I say, I like 'em feisty ;3
Damn dude, this was really unexpected. I wish you all the best for your future. If anything I’m pretty sure you can do a Dansors and return back as admin in a few months if you decide to change your mind and come back as staff ;)

Take care man and keep us updated with what’s happening :)
Hahah yeah, maybe one day I'll come back, who knows :P You were definitely one of my favorite people to work with when you were a staff so I appreciate your kindness here a lot. Take care too <3
ye no I better see that Sr. Administrator back on the forums otherwise thats more of my block game career ruined and another great staff member lost ;--;
Keep sending us pics of cute penny reking those noobs
stay strong my friend, good luck
I'll definitely keep sending Penny pics lol. Good luck to you too!
That aside I’ve known u for a very long time and can’t let his happen. We have been through so much jokes and arguments and the end of he day we had lots of fun together and will never forget u as the best admin on this network, Apreciate the work u have done, PS: UR NOT LEAVING
You were probably one of my favorite people from Foxcraft, Heck, I remember you back as zombie lol. Thanks for all the times we've had together <3
You will be missed, you were a great staff, and one of the very few staff that would actually help me when i had an issue. It is sad to see you go, thanks for helping me with everything :D

(you shouldve stayed 1 more month so that u could have resigned on your 1 year anniversary of staff)
You will be missed, you were a great staff, and one of the very few staff that would actually help me when i had an issue. It is sad to see you go, thanks for helping me with everything :D

(you shouldve stayed 1 more month so that u could have resigned on your 1 year anniversary of staff)
I thought about it, but i couldn't handle another month right now haha. I'm glad you see me as a great staff <3
can i still send you pictures of kittens ;-;
yes please.

Jk I miss you muting
Hey Owen, I know I have been the absolute worst person to you. But I am truly sorry for acting like a selfish little brat. I just was always jealous of you to be honest. And yes I have a confession to make, I did talk to you about my friends sometimes. I would I always "There's this guy named Yoahi, well I call him Owen and Yoshi, and I hate him." I know to be honest that was rude. But Owen I will truly miss you, and when you come on I will probably scream and say "Omg Owen I missed you so much I'm crying!" Ok that wasn't necessary.... But Owen I will miss you so much even though you probably hate me. But Owen YOU BETTER ADD ME BACK ON SNAPCHAT! Oops sorry.... Well Owen I always loved being around you and arguing with you. Well good luck in the military :) Well bye Owen I wov you (as a friend) <33333333
Hey Owen, I know I have been the absolute worst person to you. But I am truly sorry for acting like a selfish little brat. I just was always jealous of you to be honest. And yes I have a confession to make, I did talk to you about my friends sometimes. I would I always "There's this guy named Yoahi, well I call him Owen and Yoshi, and I hate him." I know to be honest that was rude. But Owen I will truly miss you, and when you come on I will probably scream and say "Omg Owen I missed you so much I'm crying!" Ok that wasn't necessary.... But Owen I will miss you so much even though you probably hate me. But Owen YOU BETTER ADD ME BACK ON SNAPCHAT! Oops sorry.... Well Owen I always loved being around you and arguing with you. Well good luck in the military :) Well bye Owen I wov you (as a friend) <33333333
<333 Add me back on SC then.
I'm ringing your family to see if you can stay on the team! ;) Goodluck in the future bud and have a good one!
I so want to thank you for everything you have done for Foxcraft and for the staff team! But especially for being so kind and helpfull towards me!

You always been a big factor to Foxcraft and it feels pretty empty without you already. I support your choice I just dont accept it(Like many Foxys do). But sometimes we need to do what our heart tells us and simply move on. And therefor I wish you all the best!! And lowkey hope you will be back in a while ;) thanks again for everything! Without you, Foxcraft wouldnt be the same for me and many others! <3 we keep streakin them snaps and I will be waiting for you to hop on in game or forums :) will miss you bro!! <3
Don't die
I try
I so want to thank you for everything you have done for Foxcraft and for the staff team! But especially for being so kind and helpfull towards me!

You always been a big factor to Foxcraft and it feels pretty empty without you already. I support your choice I just dont accept it(Like many Foxys do). But sometimes we need to do what our heart tells us and simply move on. And therefor I wish you all the best!! And lowkey hope you will be back in a while ;) thanks again for everything! Without you, Foxcraft wouldnt be the same for me and many others! <3 we keep streakin them snaps and I will be waiting for you to hop on in game or forums :) will miss you bro!! <3
You're easily one of my favorite people. I know when I first met you, I didn't think I'd like you tbh. Well, I still don't like you, but I do love you now. You're one of the kindest and nicest people I've ever met and I'm so happy we became friends. Thank you for everything Ron, especially that amazing laugh <3
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