HardstyleFreakzz 300+ lvl

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Well no, the design you did was copied off of YouTube, so I'll copy that one. But I know techniques to make it more efficient and I will add on more things.
Hahah YouTube? I made it with a friend of me (he isn't active anymore) No YouTube is used at all (in all of the things I made) and if you techniques to make it more efficient go ahead! Goodluck :P Just don't say that I copy things from YouTube because i'm not a dumb noob that can only use YouTube to make things...
Hahah YouTube? I made it with a friend of me (he isn't active anymore) No YouTube is used at all (in all of the things I made) and if you techniques to make it more efficient go ahead! Goodluck :p Just don't say that I copy things from YouTube because i'm not a dumb noob that can only use YouTube to make things...
Btw I never watch tutorials, just random redstone things. I hate tutorials at all bcz that looks like you can't do it yourself
Hahah YouTube? I made it with a friend of me (he isn't active anymore) No YouTube is used at all (in all of the things I made) and if you techniques to make it more efficient go ahead! Goodluck :p Just don't say that I copy things from YouTube because i'm not a dumb noob that can only use YouTube to make things...
Btw I never watch tutorials, just random redstone things. I hate tutorials at all bcz that looks like you can't do it yourself
Your build or farm, is off of youtube. Even if you didn't copy from it word for word, you never came up with the design on your own
Your build or farm, is off of youtube. Even if you didn't copy from it word for word, you never came up with the design on your own
My friend made the design and I helped him, also I make my own designs... Like my brewing machine is without YouTube... That your some1 that likes it to build things from YouTube and just change them a bit... It's up to you but i'm not a person like that... Idk if my friend got it from YouTube tho
My friend made the design and I helped him, also I make my own designs... Like my brewing machine is without YouTube... That your some1 that likes it to build things from YouTube and just change them a bit... It's up to you but i'm not a person like that... Idk if my friend got it from YouTube tho
Yeah he probably copied it, it's been out way longer than when you built it
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