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Mar 7, 2016
This is the thread of me talking about my demotion and my quitting thread.
First of all, thanks Albert9090 for introducing me into Foxcraft
Thanks @TGMDom ans Doje for always making me laugh my *** off.
Thanks @C2Obezerk for always having faith in me, I got demoted for doing the right thing, PM me if you want to know how.
Thanks @cloakfox and @11kobeer for not perm banning me even though I got demoted twice.
Thanks @ProbationZ for being a good friend and showing me how to apply.
Thanks @LordFieryFTW for being there for me for 3 years ly bb.
Good luck @Ronster_ on getting Admin, i know you got the potentional to get it.
Thanks @Rashidullah for being an og and for helping me out on prison when i started <3.
@TheCooldude087 for being a good friend even tho we just started talking LMAO
So many more thank you's I could do but imma list the names
@ThePowerOfSix, Swooshy, @Avatarking_, @Tqzz, @Dual, @iSquishy_ and more!
Goodbye <3
Damn I can't wait for that eftro guy to comeback so I can beat his ***

P.S that evan kid was cool 2
No tag feelsbadman

Hopefully we can play hcf still :)
It was nice knowing you through Foxcraft and all those times we Skyped. I guess all good things, must come to an end. ( would post a meme but I'm on my phone)
hey, we didnt know each other well, but it was nice to see ya around you will be missed gl in life :D
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